Virgo is the chief drawback of what

virgoThe biggest drawback is

Virgo is the chief drawback of _ the zodiac

Is the so-called no one is perfect, everyone has their own advantages, also has its own shortcomings, often a lot of people will only see their own advantages and neglected his own shortcomings, it is not good for your progress, let us have a look at what is the chief drawback of virgo, only the correct understanding oneself to let oneself become better.

Virgo is the chief drawback of what

Virgo to oneself of others' requirements are very stringent.Because they are perfectionists, everything perfect.In fact, the pursuit of perfection is not a lot of disadvantages, but the problem is, is not only for our own perfect, also asked the people around will be perfect to do it, is more likely.If it's with a along with the gender of the people live together, so two people will quarrel constantly.

Virgo man defect list

Virgo: loveeggsPick bone, asked too much so that critical, anal, like making a fuss, inflexible and difficult to please, save for a rainy day, obsessive compulsive disorder, self-esteem is too strong, lack of confidence, contradiction between xiaodujichang, purity, and lewd, abdomen black.

Virgo woman defect list

Virgo: careful neuroticism, all women of purity, severe obsessive-compulsive disorder of female climacteric syndrome, anxiety always winding, critical spirit, persecution paranoia, easily, tension, hysteria, self pressure.

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