What is the chief drawback of Scorpio

ScorpioThe biggest drawback is

What is the chief drawback of Scorpio _ the zodiac

Is the so-called no one is perfect, everyone has their own advantages, also has its own shortcomings, often a lot of people will only see their own advantages and neglected his own shortcomings, it is not good for your progress, let us have a look at what is the chief drawback of Scorpio, only the correct understanding oneself to let oneself become better.

What is the chief drawback of Scorpio

Scorpio is very high to the requirement of love.They demanded that their partners to complete undivided attention to oneself, constancy.Just, their jealousy is too strong, no matter what happens, are too wary.The simple things, in their minds is automatically performed with urban love TV.In addition, they lack of trust to people or things.

Scorpio man defect list

Scorpio: extreme, jealous, sensitive fragile, do not allow others to his doubt and distrust, paranoia, acquisitiveness is very heavy, frowsty coquettish at odds, high-handed, tapping in counsel, indifference, gloomy personality and anti-social.

Scorpio girl defect list

Scorpio: multiple personality is elusive, personalities and not compromise, is also very competitive, seems to want to ascertain the secret of all, she could not endure a spark of concealing, quarrel, but every word is like a knife, domination, temper is very strange, like the weather, love lost his temper, downs, negativity, jealous.

Scorpio is the chief drawback of relevant content

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