Commercial name of taboo

Commercial name of taboo

(1) avoid the same approximation

In practice, we often encounter two brand look very similar to happen.Many consumers will often confused the two brands.Such as a brand name is "orange sweet", another brand is called "X".A company called "fortune", another name is "X".An enterprise is called "Sirius", another into a "X" the Wolf.The above is polite veiled identical and similar methods.

Another similar will make consumers more confusing - harmonics.This, a lot of laundry detergent brand is doing very well.Their name can not only set up the brand's unique style, and will be your own brand, complete with other brands.As "a spoonful of spirit", "" Hester prynne," king lion "and" tide ", "vigor", "panda" and so on, each other have the consensus of rule out (no any words in the brand similar or identical).In VCD machine brand, brand harmonics can be seen clearly.King "XX", "X" at least the two brand name it is easy to let the consumer confusion.

(2) avoid is used a partial words

Brand name is for consumers to identify the various brands, for his trademark must be considered when choosing words to public

No identification to identify, but you can see in real life, some of the trademark on the name words there are some very serious problems.For example: a soy protein powder factory for soybean protein powder, instant soy milk products such as brand called "phoenix".Don't say such trademark general farmers, citizens don't know, I'm afraid even college teacher may not know everyone.We hard to conceive such trademark can become a famous trademark, it is also hard to idea this trademark goods can sell well in the market.

Enterprise with a little-used words for your own brand name, is wrongly assume that can remove the name depends on whether to choose a good words, the so-called good word is to leave those heavy and complicated words.So, the mention of the name, the first thought is to turn the kangxi dictionary.Little imagine, the actual situation is the opposite is true.

Really good name, like good literary works, with words are often words, but can reveal its luster in the flat, but little-used words, many forms of words and terms easily gives people a sense of alienation, let a person feel no kindness.

"Cross", "founder", "Jin Linong", "master kong" these sweet name, which is not commonly used

(3) avoid is used a polyphone

The name using polyphone, like using a little-used words, one is visual, one is hearing, will call a lot of inconvenience to people's, the name itself implies are clear enough.With many names, names when there are two or more pronunciation is easier to let a person feel confused about what to do.Lotte restaurants, for example, one of the "le" has two read, read a le, make a read, make people do not know what to read the sound better.Such as the following words have two read: line (xing, hang), provincial (sheng xing) and heavy (chong, zhong), high (qian, xi) at (chao, zhao), etc.Of course, we're not talking about absolute can't use polyphone, but the premise is to ensure that others can accurately determine its pronunciation, not read wrong.

(4) JiYu obscure meaning

Semantic subtle is semantics is too abstruse, others don't understand.It also like choose little-used words, the meaning of the name itself although it is very lucky, but no one understand, it is a good meaning has lost its meaning.

Enterprises, brand names have indicate the enterprise nature, suggests that the action such as product features, requires a strong readability.Guangming daily, such as according to the load: there's a MingGuan, lanxi city, zhejiang province, they gave themselves first meaning deeply name "angry stone

Into MingGuan sheep ".But brand after hanging out, the other people all don't understand, the shopkeeper hurriedly beside the name sign up again in lanxi city service "enterprise culture" brand as a supplement.What is "angry at ishinari sheep"?According to ancient books "immortal" records: the ancient legend yellow ChuPing shepherd meet monks to kinkazan Chambers.At the beginning of the search of his brother, but saw a piece of white stone.ChuPing dismissed, stone into a sheep.A public service shop, its name is containing the mysterious allusions, so it is no wonder that people don't understand.With is MingGuan, "brewed lu" and "name" is popular and impressive, the name itself is a good advertisement.

(5) avoid bad intentions

If an enterprise engaged in the manufacture and sale of cosmetics, want to named "heroin" trademark and make consumers to buy.It usually doesn't work, because the word "heroin" and name of a certain drug not only homophones and synonymy, apparently had violated the so-called kindCustoms and habitsThe principle of.Foreign famous brand perfume brand more "poison", "opium" (opium), "poison" (posion), why the brand can make very good grades?Why do so many women brands are itching?This is due to the east and west countries national conditions are different, different social customs and cultural traditions of the restriction of us

Tastes and choices.

(6) avoid is used a not auspicious words

Choose words don't geely is the commercial name of another faux pas.Unlucky words make a company or brand is not only bad associations, more important is that it can affect the customers on the subject, in the beginning of this book, we have to understand the importance of the name of a person's name, is a taboo in the person's name is not auspicious words, an enterprise or the name was the same as a commodity.February 18, 1987, the "reference information" reprint an article titled "for luck, the governor name" message: "the Hong Kong government and announced to the London, Hong Kong twenty-seventh governor Sir Wei Dewei renamed dc Wilson, he will be arriving on April 19 afternoon, accompanied him in Hong Kong, including his wife and son at the age of 18."New governor in the age of 52 change the mandarin pronunciation of his name to "Wei Dewei", the name being criticized by many people in Hong Kong at the time: wei and Wei Shuang ghost, wei harmonics crisis, symbol of bad luck, etc.The new governor in view of this situation, decided to provide advice according to the government,

Adopt renamed Suggestions.The Hong Kong government spokesman explained using the new name, mainly cantonese pronunciation with hisThe English nameWord is more close to.The name and dc Wilson represents trust and security, and yi refers to a twinkle in her eyes.

For business or goods, an ominous name will make it in business lost a lot of good chance.In Hong Kong is said to have erupted a "brandy" (France) and "whisky" (UK) sales of war.The result of "whisky" sales only a fraction of the "brandy" sales.From the quality of the product itself and two brand visibility, "whisky" brandy "worse than not," why "whisky" will be failed in the war?"Whisky" in the way the Chinese translation."Whisky" in the word "avoid" in our Chinese doesn't seem that is a very auspicious words, will affect the brand "whisky".And look at the "brandy" "brandy" 2 words, give a person a kind of elegant poetic feeling.As we can see from this example people when buying goods, but it is not simply buying the visible touch the goods, will deliberately choose an invisible things, this is contained in the brand of auspicious meaning.

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