Product name successful example

Product name successful example

One should reflect its characteristics;

Second we should pay attention to the concise and lively;

Third should be unique and creative way of thinking;

Four loud tongue;

Five different areas should be paid attention to culture, ethnic divisions habits and aesthetic psychological differences.

Enterprise name such as company name from a word meaning of mathematical, cooperate with the above five name is should pay special attention to the pronunciation, meaning.If the number ofHave a haircutMoral tone is bad, is not conducive to the development of the company.

Brand sample?

The name of the Coca-Cola, the biggest characteristic, creative, unique, easy to read, easy to recognize, easy flowing, yi


Word itself is meaningless, and: SONY (SONY);0 m0 (secret);BENZ (mercedes-benz);K0DAY (kodak)

And so on.

(1) the LUX (LUX) soap to "name" to win

In 1899, the British unilever has developed a new type of high quality soap, in the early stages of the product into the market, is a failure

Of, the reason is a problem of name, called "MONKEY" brand (MONKEY), have the meaning of the impurity, make public revulsion.Later, after experts repeatedly research, decided to adopt as a soap name, due to the simple, easy to read, easy to recognize, easy to memory, from now on to a huge increase in sales, and quickly enter the international market, popular in the world, was a great benefit.

(2) "wahaha" comes from the children's songs inspired inspiration

Famous hangzhou wahaha group in China, not only has a good marketing strategy, and one of the most important factors, the product have a good name.

Wahaha companies from only a few small plant, with 100000 yuan of start-up capital, in just a few years time to become a household name well-known food companies, have to say thanks to enterprise brand name successfully digging the basic psychological needs of consumers, so that its market will continue to expand, the enterprise to develop.

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