Analysis of the constellation of Taurus see cry

TaurusSeem to be born with depression and depressive personality.When the cumulative to the vertex, will be like a volcano burst open.They are inThe zodiacWork is the most diligent, hard work, perseverance;Patience, endurance and toughness is its characteristics.They believe that the joy of love, beauty and rich, is the proof of existence of life, as well as the faith of his truth, for this purpose.They will choose the safest, does route (usually long brewing and thoughtful conclusion), once determined, no one can change it.

They are loyal, sincere, considerate, practical, not grandiose, forthright and sincere, responsible, emphasizes the rules and rationality in all things.Like the new idea and would take the time to contact, that is a self perfect person;Their productivity of material and at the same time, also is superior.

See cry analysis of the constellation of Taurus _ the zodiac

Ⅰ OuJinNiu 4.21 4.30 planet is Venus, is the symbol of love and beauty, it assigned a you love the firm and fixed character.Willing to do good, endurance, willpower, has the vigor.Love, hate is very stubborn, don't give up easily, and people can share and pathologies, merciful, and this is particularly true of those closest to treat, show the real open-minded and generous.

Ⅱ OuJinNiu 5.1 5.10 planets are mercury, is the symbol of knowledge, master the rational part of the heart.A cautious, conservative, positive, quick-witted, influenced by good will show alert, perceptivity, industrious and strong personality.Bad influence will spy on, interference, indifference, extreme, forgetfulness, tend to look too much.

Ⅲ OuJinNiu is 5.11 5.20 planet Saturn, it is the symbol of time, the tendency of dominant ideology and contemplation.Makes its people, careful, patient and considerate.Its power lies in stability, fortitude and perseverance.Wealth by thrift and careful investment.With a broad mind, kindness, benevolence, compassionate.

Taurus men

Basic character: Taurus men having gentle obedience, love, peace, advocating harmony, personality stable, always think twice before you do.Things to people in discreet, conservative, stubborn and thoughtless, is often referred to as the ignorant of the die-hards flexibility.Toughness, as long as it is what you have to look for, no matter how much difficulty also want to stick it out.Has the strong sense of responsibility, has a good friendship to the colleagues, but because of things more seriously, will be misunderstood by friends.Normally mild-mannered, but once angry, and yet daunting.For Taurus men, must hold when should tit for tat, when should be inch, blind brave sometimes serious trouble from time to time.Pay attention to the point, was enough to set it ablaze, but sometimes because caused by the differences of opinion, so be sure to moderate tolerant magnanimous.To avoid immediate interests, and only learn to see life with a long-term perspective, to big things.Saving and moderation is important, but if is too stingy, even into a large change not to good reputation, will only be disgusted by the people.

Career and money: Taurus men lack of courage and adventure, it may miss so many opportunities, when life should bear in mind that this.Although the pioneering spirit is insufficient, but have a strong intuition, if by means of the feet on the ground safe launch a career, will succeed.If you are a Taurus, learn professional technology is the best choice.Due to a lack of spirit of adventure and trying new things would be some difficulties, but because you lay particular stress on perceptual, strong intuitive and natural art talent, if be a professional or a leader in the field of, life will be agreeable.

Specific professional writers, painters, suitable for children, designers, food manufacturing, publishing industry, finance, etc., the best long-term commitment in certain areas, if the enterprise, with general affairs, labor service, planning and other management position and technical research job as the priority, secretary career is very promising.

Fortune's age is 26, 33, 42, 51, 60 years old, between the ages of 30 to 40 best achievements.In love and marriage Taurus male sexual affection leisurely, affectionate, quiet and gentle qualities have let a person heart comfortable magic charm.Love is very good, but you don't go the desires of the heart, ordinary marriage also need economic power behind it.As a Taurus, you still retain childlike innocence and impetuous, hope and older women fall in love.Taurus men rarely because of blind love or lust of the impulse and damage the body, mostly based onTo get marriedAs the major premise beginning be in love.On the lack of self-control, sometimes regardless of time and place of the stimulated, keen on sex, also have interest to gay.Stubborn personality, a strong vigilance, possessiveness and envy more than average, so be sure to learn generosity.

The ideal marriage is Capricorn,virgoFemale, age differs about 6 years old, best age and older.Will be confronted with the best partner, 24, 33, suitable to marry at a mature age, in additionA blind dateMarriage is more ideal than free love marriage.You see a woman's eye is not enough, difficult to distinguish between love and compassion, so choose to marry, to the best side of the relatives and friends for help.Health and disease after middle age, it is important to pay special attention to the due to hormones and the decay of viscera function caused by diabetes and kidney disease, less drink just as well, but must give up smoking.Throat and esophagus life-threatening disease, and kidney disease and urinary system diseases can cause great pain, therefore should be checked regularly.

Particular attention should be paid to the disease's age is 22, 34, 43, 59, longevity is abstemious living habit.Residential whole appearance harmonious unity, surrounded by lush trees, convenient life, with a rural style, to protect personal privacy, and make you healthy residence is the most ideal residence.From the position best distance near the busy streets, but not in the street, doors and Windows to the east-northeast best or east.

Taurus women

Basic character Taurus woman grew up in prosperous environment, human nature kind, gentle personality, obedient.Love clean, advocating good devoted love, have to resist hypocrisy and lies unwavering faith, and to influence people widely.

Gentle girl will not make public of in a helping hand to those in need.The heart of love and care for others than anybody else is rich, so home is often packed with pick up kitten doggie.

Slow slow. No matter what to do

Credit always abides by the contract, credit is the first among friends.But must pay attention to the words and deeds, don't let yourself be others in dinner conversation.

Stubbornness is always smiling at ordinary times, but once you feel depressed, will be closed, without a word.Learn to seriously listen to each other.

Goal goal after a time, one step a footprint, down-to-earth to move forward.If determined to start savings, are likely to become a millionaire in the future.

Too careful, easy-going and you will attract a lot of friends and you.But too cautious attitude, don't want to open up, it makes you miss the good opportunity, and become a stumbling block to broaden the interpersonal relationship.

Happy life yearning for good things, had a great ability for arrange life had a happy time.In his room, take gratified doll on the bed, heart is full of romantic, life is so.

Exclusive to

Exclusive for strong, if that close friends and other friends close, friends will feel betrayed.


Taurus is out-and-out optimist love peace.If you have anything can make you nervous, must be friends some joke.Learn to one ear into an ear out, will be a lot easier.


Always freedoms of life, to have a bit change carelessly come true danger of cattle.While watching TV, the habit of slowly eat biscuits should correct immediately.Taurus and let others twitchy about habit, it will cause dissatisfaction with the people.


If close friends together, and every day will feel immersed in the happiness of can't imagine life without emotion.If you choose to suit oneself personality, follow one's inclinations of the work, will also get the satisfaction of happiness.

The degree of flower heart

If not crazy to fall in love with him, but as long as the fall in love once, will last for a long time, this is the characteristics of Taurus.During the interaction are never pay attention to other men, so emotional specificity.


Taurus very talented in art and art field, there are a lot of Taurus sweet voice and sings.Like lively, also like to perform in front of people.

Constitution (the zodiac/astro /)

Taurus women always too plump breasts for himself.Stubby, not soft neck and small size is also one of distress, but can reduce the distance each other brilliant smiling face is impeccable, can provide you with many people of good will.Bushy hair always for beauty title for you.Hobby is food, move away at the sight of the delicious food, so the blink of an eye nutrition will be expanded to 120 (percent). Even so, you will also refused by "not love sports" the pretext of movement, it makes you lithe and graceful body curve is destroyed.Because it is a easy get fat body, so take special care, but it doesn't have to worry in the health.Natural recovery ability is extremely strong, not easy to sicken, but need to pay attention to the neck, don't let yourself beautiful sound damage.Should be paid attention to in addition to kidney diseases, urinary system, reproductive system, avoid the partial eclipse.

See cry analysis of the constellation of Taurus

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