The Taurus constellation book didn't tell you

Taurus is the earth the most normal a constellation, born to the world of mortals.

Taurus stereotype is what?Lewd, greedy and stupid?

Not true.

Actually niuniu is a very clever, but the soil as they are steadfast, is not pompous.Won't do "I want to let everyone know how much I clever" such a thing.Get the facts first miss/Mr Is Taurus.

Constellation Taurus _ don't tell you of the zodiac

Has always been their ideas in fact many with honest man coat.Bad state of mind and thoughts will not just a flash.

If one day the Taurus to say to want to revenge, may quietly, so there must be action, means absolutely brutal.

It is best not to provoke the Taurus, they just want to go good highway, in order to stable and comfortable life.They are optimistic.

But see bad things (how to judge the bad?But really Taurus is hard to understand, because all don't say out, so I really don't know what the standard is niuniu must tube, pipe must be to the end.

I always think the Taurus is a nervous, in fact they are just trying to balance everything in the struggle in the material plane.

How to understand this sentence?

Well, niuniu is eager to live in a harmonious society.They are not opposed to political participation in revolt does not require changes.

Cattle really matter, and that's true.

Because of fear to accept pirates say, change, so the cowboy hard pursuit of material.

Pursuit of out of course will enjoy (the mentality to survive in modern society is very good).

So color, desire, power, money, they should be.Not greedy, but actively steadfast, then enjoy.

So really don't understand, why should others greed, is lofty, or a waste of time sad something no marginal.Dealing with the outside world, niuniu to others often false sigh and confused.

In short to live, marry a Taurus men.That's right.

But communication is difficult, not too stubborn, is they don't want to say.

To organize language and is better than youTo make love.Got it.

Handle money or cow female more wins.They will spend money, also not to spend unnecessary money.Said they sting should be jealous.

Ox male cattle female difference between female poor taste, won't dress up.The male is very have temperament.The kind and degree of female than male.Cattle female should be not too will take care of others, easy to get angry and sad, don't want to leave each other, but the torture of others that very well.

Taurus is out of many great thinkers.They're thinking is rigorous, practical is true.

But never thought to make great contribution to human beings.(The zodiac/astro/)

They just to express and restore stable scientific truth, to compete with oneself, develop their own perfect thought system.This life is fulfilled.

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