The analysis of constellation libra see cry

While listening to alternative the Irish singer singer, DE.O 'connor's a perfect Indian, look at this article against itself, feeling really very accurate, felt as if everything is fate.

If you arelibraYou will read it, if not, please go back after listening to this song ^ ^ libra love libra in love is a sign of a life lived for others.The passive is to let a lot of libra libra has missed her true love.Libra don't understand refused, in the face of a libra you obviously don't of the person you like, as long as that person can active point, the libra is can't refuse to, because libra feel refused to hurt you.In order not to hurt you, libra only sacrifice themselves.Or, libra will for you even if is a care about words and moved to him, just to thank you for this words of care and with you, because of the libra is always the pursuit of balance, he thought you paid even a care about you, he should return not really because love you just with you.(moved) is not equal to love and libra will think too highly of the word "responsibility", but did not realize the true essence of "responsibility", that use a extremely cruel way to "responsibility" to myself under the definition.Libra don't love each other, but to insist on each other.This is a libra seeks to fair the kind of choice, but also an almost stupid choices.This is the tragedy of libra.Can only say that libra knows responsible, but really don't understand "responsibility".But know for also became a kind of mistake?Libra think the responsibility is more important than love, but do not want to live a happy and it is equally important.You have every reason to blame the libra, but at the same time of you blame the libra ever thought is the most pathetic is libra.Libra's request is not high, really just need someone to understand oneself.But, who can understand libra?

See the cry of libra _ the zodiac constellation analysis

One more thing, in the aspect of love libra is really compare indecision hesitate, so it must be admitted.But why libra?Because of the libra want to a great many things to far, libra think if you want to love a person will be to make each other happy.Here say "happy" including many, such as have enough economic capacity to maintain at ordinary times when spending with you, can let you happy every day, your friends and parents will accept you?Your friend can accept their parents?Might even think ofTo get marriedLater you kids look beautiful?...Wait, there are many questions!Can you say libra don't hesitate?12 constellation libra is notoriously the most lazy, if love you not because of the libra is lazy to consider so much!If once you determine your libra is his loved ones and determine your relationship, then this time libra pursuit of the perfect one side show come out.

At this time of the full libra is how to do my best to let you feel is the happiest person in the world.And libra love a man should know it, just and libra love feeling is too perfect, some only in movies and novels appear scenarios will often appear in your body, you will feel you really now is the happiest person in the world.When libra as long as can see loved ones happy smile every day even in big cost are also willing to!Just fall in love because of the libra is too perfect, so that the other party has been accustomed to this perfect manifestation of libra, this is already the libra in each other's psychological a standard, so as long as a little libra will play good enough before, the other party will not habit, will feel libra don't love her!But, in this world who could not always do so well, nor libra, although libra will still love each other!Each other complaints make libra feel very grievance, but paid so much each other still did not meet, also said he is not good enough, so libra will feel that their pay is not worth, in the end, of course, just break up!

To all the libra friends here an advice, fine water often flow, plain is true, could not every day is perfect!Actually gorgeous fireworks, but destined to short!Here in particular said the libra male.Libra men flower heart?Maybe.But the so-called libra men flower heart and others are different, the most fundamental difference is that the libra male flower isn't as love itself.The so-called libra men flower heart should be understood as a kind of love.Libra men think everything is good in the world, andA womanIs this beautiful world of art.So the woman is used to take good care of, has nothing to do with love!This is the essence of libra male a passion.This essence is libra born, is deeply rooted.Libra truly love a person is love and the passion is in essence the difference.Libra really fall in love with a person, libra lover will be regarded as his goddess in my heart, there is love, not only is more of a respect and even worship!Libra, on the other hand, in front of the person you really deep love heart there will be a little inferiority.The inferiority is not here at ordinary times what people are calling for some defects of inferiority, the inferiority is a relative to the "perfect" two characters.You might suspect, confident and narcissistic libra will self-abased?Yes, because when he faced libra lover always want to be perfect, but don't understand libra perfect just a legend of a state, no one is perfect in the world, nor libra, so the libra will can produce inferiority complex.Requires perfect for libra was not pleased with your imperfections, feel don't deserve the person I love, so a lot of libra would rather choose to give up, but to give up is not equal to love.Libra on their loved one is a lifetime won't forget.Another kind of love to give up for libra, libra will always be someone to love deeply buried in the heart of a corner silently pray for each other blessing!Libra is not because lonesome just falling in love with a person, libra because fall in love with a talent lonely!

Libra for your inner real idea seldom talk to people, because libra knows that silence can be strong.So, in addition to libra yourself no one can really understand libra, unless you had the honour of being a libra afterlife to experience with life at a time...No matter who to who wrong, all by the libra with the fault, let people misunderstanding, let the people of odd and even invective, libra just lightly smile, always keep the elegant smile in front of people.Everything is meant to be, needless to say, we are namely however libra, too light and heavy, know how to analyze things good and evil, true and false.So speak for itself is a kind of guilt.Because see through.To really don't really understand the person nature understand, don't understand, also don't want to say more, because we are libra, the pride of libra!Legend had a knight called libra, handsome, charming, elegant, noble...Night, westerly winds blowing;On the white horse, knight looking at the stars;The sword in the hand, there is love in the heart, the knight is to pray for his beloved people peace and happy!Night, still so dark.Road, and so far.People, still so lonely!Patted the dust, to refresh the tired spirit, heal the wounds of the pain, the distance maybe is bumpy road, the knight is still with a smile on my way, although the heart non-trace, loud still charming west wind!(The zodiac/astro/)

Friendship and relationship about libra: "friend" word for libra if there are multiple ordinary people cannot understand.So to speak, read the friendship important libra.Because of the sign of the libra is a special afraid of loneliness, libra does not enjoy solitude.Every libra has mild depression, loneliness is the culprit induced depression libra!And the biggest characteristic of depression is pessimistic, this is by no means alarmist, loneliness is to generate a world-weary libra.Libra is living people in the crowd, only libra in the crowd to find the location of the self ego value into full play.So will always hope that their friends more in more.For people who you don't like, libra is reluctant to regard him as a friend but I still hope someone can see himself as a friend, but who know libra libra will never offend easily.In order to maintain the harmonious relationship, libra don't not sleek and hypocritical people say people say ghost story.Libra actually really tired.Most of the time, libra friends hurt and wronged, libra is the first time appear in the friends beside comfort and care, with the greatest encouragement to a friend, but when libra injury seldom get such treatment.Libra friend looks, in other words, although a lot of, but had few bosom friends, to know there was very little libra inner DE novo.Libra for each friend is very good, and good are the same, so everyone don't know to who is sincerely to who libra is hypocrisy.Libra's life are committed to creating a self ideal harmonious Brave New World, there is no competition in the world, there is no cheating, we are good friends, and all the people care about each other, care for each other.Anyhow, libra to friends is the most selfless, rather than his I, I not everybody is the best word libra for relations with the friends.If you have a friend is a libra, you should feel lucky!

See cry constellation libra related content analysis

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