Analysis of the constellation of Aquarius see cry

Seen the appearance of the vase?Mouth is very small, think into difficult, but if you can get into the bottle, you can really see a vast space.The bottle is such.

When they think you are really, really love them, and you really, really safe when they start to feedback.You will be surprised when they feedback to dare not believe, because if they love a person really is.But they are also easy to tired ah, the bottle has a heart of a cat, you always will appeal to them.Or they don't steal the scarlet very hard.Especially male bottles, sometimes they are really did sorry you of matter has no guilt.Sometimes they are think as long as my heart is really love you will not leave you is really love you.Their freedom is sometimes excuse to indulge.

See the cry of Aquarius _ the zodiac constellation analysis

But the bottle also has weaknesses, when he do anything to hurt you, you want to let him know the perspective-taking, even with him directly for the way you try to him the next day.He will gradually understand what is the harm of you.He loves you he will gradually understand care about how you feel.

The bottles are easily do not say I love you these three words, these three words too sacred in his eyes, the more important reason is that they think said these three words in love as if lost the initiative.They are too afraid of losing the initiative in love.But you have to say to them, it's not reasonable, but can't.If a bottle to you say I love you too much, instead to prove his heart didn't feel for you just for fun.

Fall in love with the bottle is a very bitter thing, so how do love the bottle don't ask why, you only have to ask yourself in the deep heart's core can withstand.If you think that is worth and then go to pay, if you feel not worth you brave to give up.Unless he turned again don't give them chances.Of course, if a bottle turn over too many times and hurt you too many times also have to let go of good.Or he will some look down on you from the heart.

If the bottles are fall in love with each other, exploitativeness is really competitive.They don't show it easily, because he was afraid of their strong possessiveness will let the cat out of the card he love you can not live without you.But if they start to limit your eat your vinegar, that he must be a good love you.

The bottles are sometimes it's really hard to really believe their loved ones.And the more love the more difficult it is to believe sometimes.Because they lie sometimes say a lot so always think someone else is lying.

Don't easily hurt the heart of the bottle, the bottle of love is no tolerance.You might imagine, when you just hurt your bottle or bottle breaking up with you of thought, to leave at the same time, they may call their confidante or have warm relations friends, say some words to do something too much even that night would be and what they...The bottle, the bottle is not want to betray you, just good sad, can not find a more suitable way to vent.A lot of been hurt bottles will live very bad very gray, although later would regret aversion to oneself to want to die but they are used to the life in this scene fan to conceal his loss deeply deeply hurt.

, of course, when you regret after come back to find him, he will accept you, he won't tell you what had happened and trying to conceal, if he loves you.But usually a lot of facts have been unable to change.

When you betrayed a bottle, the bottle will hurt the heart break into pieces, no tears, even if there were, and flow in the heart flow to others never see behind.Because I said, although Aquarius loyalty can't heavy, but they really are deep in my heart most care about is that the two words: loyalty.After you betrayed the bottle two results.One is Aquarius silent accept, choose to be with you again, because they love you, can't afford to break up.But their faith was dead, they may no longer believe in you, they will back to you with another person, even the other N individuals, even if they don't love that person, also may do something not to do to seek some psychological balance, then betrayed you and find the balance of the poor pain do not wish to sound at the same time.

Another is that the requirements of the their loyalty to love too beautiful can't accept it, the bottle will choose to break up, do you think the most cold-blooded way may be smile tell you they never loved you, you can go and hundreds of people to go to bed;May be not care turned away;May be in after break up in front of you and the countless heterosexual flirting;May be in the fastest time to accept the other one to start and sweet appeared in front of everyone...No matter what kind of above, their heart is in the blood.If they really love you.They will behind appearances alone got drunk, smoke the most in the shortest possible time, betray my own body and soul.Secretly hurt anesthesia yourself in the most cruel way, also would like him to torture the next boys and girls.A bottle of pain lost faith is can't imagine, they can only really in your own way slowly to seek a way out.

The bottles are like love at first sight, but they prefer to day long living feeling;The bottle to accept a night, but they are more eager to life mood;They has good elasticity, good can almost to the realm of Buddha, which is good base can also mean to the hated by ten thousand people.

Bottles are mostly very vacant.They really don't know yourself, don't know what I really want to want what, though they may be able to easily see that the human motivation needs of others.Aquarius people around like to quietly watch, spy into other people's heart of hearts, depend on their intuition and insight to understand others, their intuition is often really strong competitive.

The bottles are the worst is met a true than their freedom and drift also flower heart of the person you like, because of their good freedom sometimes really is a kind of camouflage, a kind of protection, a method that can test whether you love him.A really want to love you a person just want to faithful to you what the bottle won't require a free, they want is possession and coexistence.(The zodiac /astro/)

Good parents tend to do the bottle, the bottle is filial piety, I'm sure.But that kind of filial piety is not obedient.They have too much the idea of their own principles, so when the conflict with the idea of parents when they argue.Even if there is no conflict, only parents nagging them are secretly in mind to say the bothersome bothersome.They too rebellious too self, but really, they love their own parents, deep know no feelings can go beyond the flesh and blood of love, so they can't stand you criticize their parents or argue with their parents, no matter how they are, the only bottle you have the qualifications.

See cry constellation Aquarius related content analysis

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