Pisces can't stand the injustice

PiscesCan't stand the injusticePartner: being abandon

Sad index: u u u u

Healing time: one week

Pisces can't stand the injustice of _ the zodiac

Pisces people are born with a sensitive nerve, like sister Lin sentimental, easily tears aweather, full moon lamentation.Love is the whole of their lives, they are willing to pay for it all, but they always uncertain, and always want to, he really love me?Is it true?How much love?

Although partner also know that Pisces love disorderly want to some some didn't of, but who has a quick temper, occasionally partner will also can not stand, complain a few words.Although only a few words, but can't you take a Pisces the glass heart immediately, think that you have received the big grievance, then they will start in tears, at the dragon's.(The zodiac /astro/)

In fact, what injustice can't abide the Pisces, especially from their loved ones.

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