Can't stand the injustice of cancer

cancerCan't stand the injustice: abandon by his parents

Sad index: u u u u u

Healing time: as long as I live

Can't stand the injustice of _ the zodiac constellation cancer

This sign in to the attention of the familyThe zodiacIs well known, for the sake of your family happy and harmonious family, they hope to dig out your heart.But, as we all know, is not you good to others, you will reap the same return, especially for those who we the more familiar, we often take for granted to accept their good, and grateful.

Like we often abandon too nagging mom, dad's backward in time.For cancers that the outcomes of care, his family sometimes also can feel impatient, be tempted muttered a few words.Although it is a little to complain, but deeply hurt for cancer.(the zodiac/astro /)

After all, oneself sincerely to pay, while others feel impatient and can not wronged?

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