Scorpio can't stand the injustice

ScorpioCan't stand the injustice: being cheated

Sad index: u u u u u

Healing time: three years

Scorpio can't stand the injustice of _ the zodiac

Scorpio isThe zodiacAcquisitiveness of the most powerful one.In love period, this is also not particularly evident.Because they made partner will be perplexed by the romantic atmosphere.But once your partner to with Scorpio, Scorpio will produce a series of "three cardinal guides" to be completely with their partner's life.

This to, not because how much Scorpio love each other, but because they are inside of the heart has the very strong possessive instinct and conquer the desire, as long as it is their own things, it is absolutely not allowed others.Even if not himself, don't want to let other people get.(the zodiac/astro /)

For this kind of person, others will let them near cuckolded, the weakened.

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