Sagittarius can't stand the injustice

SagittariusCan't stand the injustice: people don't understand

Sad index: u u u u u

Healing time: half a month

Sagittarius can't stand the injustice of _ the zodiac

Although Sagittarius seemingly idleness and unruly, idle, heartless.But in fact, they are with their own philosophy, they feel, why should bear so much in life that does not belong to own responsibility?Free to live for yourself is not very good?

So, they talk about all sorts of begin well but end badly in love, go to travel around the world, to explore the different self.This way of life is many people envy, is also a lot of people have had the courage to practice.And Sagittarius is the most unbearable, do not understand their own people to point fingers, say oneself how irresponsible.(The zodiac /astro/)

Because Sagittarius feel, as long as you don't hurt other people, you can according to their own way to live.

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