Aries can't stand the injustice

AriesCan't stand the injustice: being wronged

Sad index: u u u

Healing time: half a month

Aries can't stand the injustice of _ the zodiac

Aries is completely full frank, he can endure hard work day and night, also can tolerate others don't understand, but in love, they are not as sensitive oversuspicious, generally girls love play small temper.However, they can't stand the most things, is being wronged.(The zodiac /astro/)

For Aries, the feeling of being wronged, like dummy eat rhizoma coptidis, have bitterness could not say.Because of their temperament, they can't be like a detective, calm down, ins and outs of the survey the truth clear, they will only emit three zhangs, couldn't help jumping up 'criticisms, which will be others thought is a coward.

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