Aquarius woman scare away the boy

Aquarius:Female boys move away

Love is changeful, different character determines the way we treat oneself in the objects of different, we all want to show their own advantages in front of the other half, but always exposed some small shortcomings scare others, that is what all our little weakness, is it fine to you never found, let's take a look at what action will scare off the boy!


Friendship, love move: left hand

Aquarius woman scare away the boy _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius woman having sex is good, let a person look is always ambiguous, and the man the boundaries of their friendship are broad, with each of the opposite sex is not touch a spark, but men may be can't understand can't accept it.Friendly needs certain distance between the opposite sex to guarantee, Aquarius woman partial is felt love friendship and kindness, which goes against his own heart, give up love inevitably feel feel unable to for a long time and the time your channel, in the uneasy mood to guess if you have a change of heart, finally in the ice gradually feelings he can only choose to quit.

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