Leo woman scare away the boy

LeoFemale boys move away

Love is changeful, different character determines the way we treat oneself in the objects of different, we all want to show their own advantages in front of the other half, but always exposed some small shortcomings scare others, that is what all our little weakness, is it fine to you never found, let's take a look at what action will scare off the boy!


Move: pushy and vain

Leo woman scare away the boy _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

The Leo woman is most often in just a second take a fancy to a Canon of monocular machine, under a second and took a fancy to hundreds of pieces of South Korea single pair of shoes, if no general glittering appears they are not better.Love love is beautifulA womanNature, just want to have the luxury of ability to also want to see my boyfriend's economic strengths, or even if the whole body famous brand, collect the envy of all the way, is likely to be the man your heart is the most important is you scared already sweat is starting on the cold sweat, after studied the feel really can't afford to "love" you, with you SAYGOODBYE. That thed loss outweights the gain.

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