Capricorn woman scare away the boy

Capricorn woman scare away the boy

Love is changeful, different character determines the way we treat oneself in the objects of different, we all want to show their own advantages in front of the other half, but always exposed some small shortcomings scare others, that is what all our little weakness, is it fine to you never found, let's take a look at what action will scare off the boy!


Move: when the utility aspirant

Capricorn woman scare away the boy _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

The Capricorn woman is super pragmatists, her sense of security to ensure the material needs not only the best will add a layer of the aura of power, this kind of utilitarianism will give men super pressure, if you become people master cheng yen, nature is the hero; she doesn't mind the second youBut if you mediocre, she would spur you day and night constantly earning fame, want you to "progress";If you always do not accord with standard of her, she will think you really have no value, will soon be she heaped indignity.This kind of strong cold pressure, many men DianDian beat a retreat immediately after their own weight.

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