Scorpio girl away the boy

ScorpioFemale boys move away

Love is changeful, different character determines the way we treat oneself in the objects of different, we all want to show their own advantages in front of the other half, but always exposed some small shortcomings scare others, that is what all our little weakness, is it fine to you never found, let's take a look at what action will scare off the boy!


Action: jealous love play

Scorpio girl away the boy _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio girl have deep insight, if a man have the slightest trace of "bad" tracks she was caught "evidence", even if these things are unwarranted, would provoke her strong jealousy, want to man to prepare everything, and best and heterosexual contact, insulation at the end of the day is possessiveness, men can't stand to be defeated and flee?The Scorpio girl but some careful machine yo, careful instead she gave you to eat the orange lemon, acid to the crooked mouth you only know, who let you let her not good again jealousy of comfort?

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