Leo does best

LeoThe best place

Lion: understood

Can say so, Leo is not know how to preserve our sanity, they often make mistakes, but mistakes? Again, Leo is understand all, they are always able to quickly change of role, his responsibility clear.

Leo is rapidly after doing wrong in pettish show MOE's cute, nobody knew behind their cute is think you no wrong capricious lines on her brow.But Leo shows sweet, let a person always go to become over-irritated once they don't have the heart to.

Leo best place _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo yao is affected by their own negligence and sometimes troubler of others, but others see them show guilt and, since can be softhearted, for an instant forgive Leo all fault.Leo, who can say they are not good?

Leo best place related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query