Aquarius little secret

Aquarius:Little secret

Aquarius little secret: I am very stable

You told me that Aquarius strange idea too much?

You told me to Aquarius love too flower heart?

You told me that the water-bearer grew too unstable?

And what do you tell me how, you've had a deeper understanding of Aquarius?People cannot be measured, you just from your evaluation of their appearance shape?Think they every day in do STH unconventional or unorthodox, stability factor is too low to do every day, treat love very not concentrate, can not do it wholeheartedly.Then I'll tell you what is the real want to reveal the heart of water bearer.They think there are more ideas to make them different is more conducive to survive, they want to is if their partner in the very very care about ta, this is the water bottles are the most secret thoughts.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius: little secret _ the zodiac

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