Aries little secret

AriesLittle secret

Aries little secret: who played a lesson

You will think of the ram of what it is?

Will you think of the ram convulsions that what kind of?

Each of you will think of ram when the in the mind think what?

Let's see, what they really want to points.Ram look lively open and bright, sunny way, bring so much joy, everybody thought they always is such a pair of the appearance of the sun, but you know they actually heart is very frowsty coquettish?You will know that they have been for someone very unhappy?You will know that they have been very want to have someone actually press play a on the earth?I don't know?This is the ram has been hidden deep in the heart not to appear on her mind.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aries little secret _ the zodiac

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