This little secret

cancerLittle secret

This little secret: against bondage

You said you know cancer are very family love family very much?

You say you are very know cancers are very feminine?

You say you are very know cancers are very honest?

If you say so, it is you are too don't understand the cancer, the cancer specialists are always for you know you show a conscientious obedient clever good look like?You know whether the cancer is always you think as the person who is responsible for the family is very very serious?You know the cancer is never do anything out of bounds?That's what you didn't go to their hearts.Real cancer were in fact the bottom of my heart is very rebellious, the real cancer are often don't consider the idea of the family, the real cancer are very like to go out alone, do you know that the cancer?The cancer is their real thoughts in heart.(The zodiac /astro/)

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