Gemini's little secret

GeminiLittle secret

Gemini's little secret: mad for a while

You will think of the appearance of the Gemini are alone?

You will think of the Gemini nobody know when they look like?

You will think of the Gemini mood changes look like?

You would never guess that Gemini will have these problems, because your eyes are Gemini has always been a glamorous, is always very happy, they are very energetic, happy and being naked, flexible mind is also very smart, never.But you don't know is Gemini in alone will often one head singing will be all kinds of dancing alone, you do not know is the Gemini in nightclubs that nobody knew anything they do when they come out, you don't know is Gemini will roar of all of a sudden, violent, this is the twin to hide the true heart.(The zodiac /astro/)

Gemini's little secret _ the zodiac

Gemini's little secret

The duke of zhou interprets of query