Sagittarius men and cancer girl happy chance

SagittariusThe boys andcancerThe girl happy chance

Sagittarius men and cancer girl happy chance: 40%

Sagittarius boys like playing very much, also like to play with them is good at the girl, at the same time want to be in all aspects are very capable, is the girls they admire.

Cancer women social is not very good, they are merely taking care of family is very good, their minds are not very flexible, also will not play games.

Girls will take care of people, such as cancer will be initially attracted to Sagittarius the eyes of the boys, but once get along for a long time, found that cancer girl actually can't play with them together, but also when they play on what to say, Sagittarius girls will begin to hate the cancer boys, so must not happiness.(The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius boys and girls happy chance _ the zodiac cancer

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