Scorpio boy and cancer girl happy chance

ScorpioThe boys andcancerThe girl happy chance

Scorpio boy and cancer girl happy chance: 80%

Scorpio boys tend to male chauvinism is very serious, they always think girlfriend to take care of them, care about them, but they don't go to tube other things for granted.

Cancer the girls good habit is: seldom ask east asked west blind to think, they are also very happy to be dead set of caring for others especially boyfriend, they will be very careful to do a good job of logistics.

For Scorpio boys that don't like girlfriend pipe outside himself, this girl will take the initiative to take, because the boys Scorpio or enough caring their, so for this girl, as long as they do their share of the work to take care of Scorpio.(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio boys and girls happy chance _ the zodiac cancer

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