Libra men and cancer girl happy chance

libraThe boys andcancerThe girl happy chance

Libra boy and cancer girl happy chance: 10%

Libra boy very have temperament, they are like illustrated on the model, no matter what they are so elegant appearance, easy when it comes to girls, but they never seriously not their food.

Cancer girls are simple, they also easily charmed in the dashing guy, and not easy to find that he was cheated again, often easily fooled.

Like libra these boys, with their charm can easily when it comes to girls, but they like the noble beauty is forever and their counterparts, as civilians are not noble cancer girl, it's hard to get the favour of libra boys.Quirks even if two people together, libra men also can't stand the cancer girl in the morning and evening and cheat.(The zodiac /astro/)

Libra boys and girls happy chance _ the zodiac cancer

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