Gemini boys and girls happy chance cancer

GeminiThe boys andcancerThe girl happy chance

Gemini boys and cancer girl happy chance: 60%

Gemini boys, for girls - this is handy when a piece of cake, but they are not qualitative, they don't this qualitative easy to misunderstanding for them.

Cancer girls like is that can bring their stable solid feeling of boy as boyfriend, they also like those little romantic, but must be more care about them.

For Gemini changed way of courtship, and romantic and warm little trick, cancer girls so easy to get stuck here and then willing, willing to marry to be woman who served Gemini husband, but found that Gemini husband after marriage of uncertainty, every day is not steadfast steady personality, like the wind makes them feel very tired, not too happy.(The zodiac /astro/)

Gemini boys and girls happy chance _ the zodiac cancer

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