The Leo men and cancer girl happy chance

LeoThe boys andcancerThe girl happy chance

Leo boy and cancer girl happy chance: 15%

Leo men appreciate the appearance of the indifferent, proud, have the ability to strong soft heart girl, they think this girl is the most let people they can have conquer feeling.

Cancer girls is your soft attitude to anyone, and they are always like a deputy who can bully, at the same time, various aspects ability is not very strong, and they did not like so high up that kind of feeling.

Cancer of Leo boy wouldn't want the girls of this kind of girls, they don't have any place, for them, just will take care of the family can happen again, it was at best a housewife, they won't look at this what all don't too assertive, but not as sharp and they have the ability of girl.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo boys and girls happy chance _ the zodiac cancer

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