Comments on the abdomen black of Leo

reviewLeoThe abdomen black

Leo abdomen black evaluation: the killers of violence with violence

The lion male: all heavy, love doubt, outside is the big ye, a slave at home.Like the cool.Arrogance or sissy.Go to extremes.Don't underestimate a modest and prudent condescend Leo man, that is can achieve great things.

The Leo woman: love is beautiful, the aura of what is putting on AIRS, home is actually a person cry.Seemingly noble leng yan is actually a masochist.Hidden rules.Young when seeking arrangement, old kept the others.All the year round is pit dad, perennial impenitence, perennial, tears streaming down her face.

First saw Leo, most people would be their authority by surprise, by their sharp eyes, too, the corners of the mouth, an air of calm, not very tall but forceful figure and attract, recognize their is detest evil fanatics.In fact don't even know their own characteristics in appearance, in the look in the mirror when looking at myself in the mirror all feel very strange, occasionally look in the mirror to see his own peopl are surprised, like a familiar but couldn't say for sure is seen again.They are don't care about her appearance, very needs.They did not know his character, because they themselves have no personality, or they don't tell their character, as a spectator of others also could not say their character.They only act, but no personality.Their external behavior is only a mask, and their soul never to show off to people.They are very open, but never to anyone every reason, even the most close of people don't.They never tell others your inner thoughts, analyzes their psychology to others, never show their emotions.They just yourself through the manners to communicate ideas to others, they are the most mysterious kind of people.

Comment on the abdomen black of the Leo _ the zodiac

Leo people in private is very quiet, inside there is a very quiet factor, they are the most people can endure dull and lonely life.They a stable performance in the presence of strangers, calm, even inside collect, in fact they are looking at nearby of person.The lion isThe zodiacThe most like to watch others, they will unconsciously looked each other up and down, that kind of look in the eyes is very strange, say a wandering.Others think the lion is very self, there is no aware of yourself, like a lion ignored them, thought that the lion can't see anything, actually the lion see everything in the heart, they just glance to each other's character, personality, appearance, psychological clear one by one.In a group are not familiar with each other, the most quiet and silence of the kind of person is the lion.The lion is easy to make friends with people, if the lion would, they can in the shortest possible time, with great eloquence, extraordinary style, learned knowledge, original ideas, confident tone, in a few words can let the other side obedience, such as the spring breeze, laughing.Leo when talking to people, gushing, defiant, look to god, as if there is completely into speech stage alone, others don't have a chance, a needle, water splash is not enough.Their eyes always look at an empty state, as if never look straight into the eyes of the other party, at the time of speaking to a group of people, they will occasionally glance at a glance, and instantly away again, but they are still continue to self - reel.They always a long a long speech, no one can interrupt them, others think that Leo is very self, can't hear what others said, is not willing to listen to the opinions of others, over time people will think that is usually the sign of Leo hubris.

Lions have a lot of choice, they will come to an abrupt end when people impatient, others have no desire to connect words, lions have through the speech is to make each other tired.Often such as Leo, the crowd dispersed, their home, people will feel very tired after go home, also complaints, complain about lions do not understand the way of the world, self-centered, arrogant, desire is too strong.Don't want to see the lions at the next party, they will talk a lot with each other, since the circle, to isolate the lion, don't talk to the lion, even the lion spoke a word, they also pretended not to hear, eyes looked elsewhere, deliberately ignored the lion.But completely ignore their performance and remains its own will, said their own, and the lion will always find their audience, there is always one or two people because of the face, trying to look listen carefully.At that time was formed a strange conversation mode, two different sound mutual crisscross, messy very noisy even nobody feels strange and discomfort.

The lion is not actually desire is very strong, the expressionism of their basic bottom in the zodiac.In a team, everyone at first attracted by the lion majesty composed temperament, naturally, is centered around the lion.The lion although there is no willingness to be boss, but is the team most the most special personality.Team to worry about everything, everything to all, the team consciousness, collective life let lion so tired.For the lion, the people in the team is more and more similar, character is more and more similar, values become more and more close, the lion sensitive to this trend to a large extent inhibited the release of self.Lions don't want to let the other people all to reduce the development of the self, to adapt to the rules set by the team, the passage of time and to lay down their self.When the lion feel everyone has self negation of threat, they instinctively against the rules.At this time there is a lion love performance, but is actually a lion in give people remind, lion becomes more and more high, the specific performance is a flow of words is trying to influence others.They talk is full of philosophy, meaningful, but everyone ignores, don't know the idea behind the lion, but misunderstanding lion too love now, not take care of their feelings, like in control of their thoughts, and don't want to be brainwashed by a lion.

Leo generally live in a well-off family, their father honest duty, but is not wooden, just muddle along, afraid to break the head leaves drop down, but love, to the lion let the lion development, not to interfere in the lion, the lion is very polite, don't mention it to the feeling of family.Leo's mother is generally have a nervous, a little bit small can break into a furious rage, fighting, but the lion is very good, spoil but not indulgence, Leo very understand the misery of the mother, tolerant and deep sympathy.The lion's personality development more freedom, personalityfacesIs very perfect.Lions from introverted, quiet, one of the most quiet in the crowd, don't like to play with friends, they like to be alone, and are born with a pessimism thought, is generally not easy to be found.Leo did in school is totally different, wild side shows, like teacher and the headmaster of the dry, reading, grumpy, disruptive, not only students, even the teacher all dare to play.Have a classPut the feet on the desk on the, and sit at the same table talking loudly, the authority of the teachers feel provoked, come over and get the lion's feet pull down, the lion word jumped up and gave the teacher two slap, plus two punch, the teacher be intimidated, dare not fight back, and report to the principal, the principal on the morning session and shamed the lion, the lion heart defy, strongly driven by revenge after school lion will play up the empty classroom, all fluorescent lamp broken, front desk broken legs, chalk is molded into powder, and then leave contentedly, returned home just like nothing happend, fast asleep, because there is no evidence of after school leadership and ambition by surprise by a lion but dare not to pursue, and go away.

Leo a kind king role, often having few, but this world, there is a kind of let the greatness of be awed person of the other children had to admit defeat.They temper, loveA fight, but they don't like a cluster, like one-on-one one-on-one hit, and the fight never cheated.Such as playing basketball, he was deliberately collision, lion will be suddenly and violently beat, from then on, the man is weak, no longer than tall.Lions make students not only, still dare to play the parents, students' parents came to see the lion revenge, lions, together with the parents.Parents to the lion complaints in the home, his family to be careful to apologize, but afterwards no punishment to the lion.The lion had formed the unscrupulous, bullying, self-centered character, a good invade of triumph, therefore the lion's Nemesis.They could not find a lion fight, all written in the heart, and try to be one day in high places will be the lion beat, grow up, the lion then mix was related to their trounced its meaning.

The lion show high study talent at an early age, but love in school.For the interest, will practice at home self-study, showed strong interest to literary classics, like word chanting songs, study history.I also like to study calligraphy, self-study of traditional Chinese medicine, always secretly alone hard, persistent seriously, very committed.Lion write words especially pretty, saturated XiongJin, bearing capability.For traditional Chinese medicine, is good at breaking, form their own unique insights, sui generis, dare to innovation, rather than formulaic.In the hands of any kind of theory, is quick to learn, a moment that is fine, in the disease, there are all sorts of clever change naturally.People are familiar with the lion said this kind of talent is innate, not by cramming or taught, and the lion himself could not say why to sleep is only god has given to the lion's exceptional talent.Because of this striking extremely talented, attract certain people, and people in dirty little jealousy, success comes from the failure.Is life in tianjiao was jealous.

Lion usually rarely got famous university, because the lion is a man with a deep traditional thought, they don't like math, science, don't study English, coupled with poor family background, enter society it is hard to find a good job.Might not be in a unit for a long time, because smiling proud princes character, officer person to fear, little jealousy, finally had to housekeep, self-employment.Entrepreneurial process difficulties and hardships, the delay is not a natural disaster is the personnel, for exampleThe floodDemolition, the landlord, neighborhood frame.Although by the lion was smart enough to make money, but cost is too large, the lion moves too rich, often can't spare money, spending in the home also just by one person to maintain lion.Because there is no good job, lion usually married into a hard, is marry at a mature age, generally with a lionTo get marriedPeople are background than the lion."Attract the lion has the temperament of a gentle and quiet, face, the lion is bold pursuit, arranged a person, treat each other family background about loud and clear, make them jump, all are good of a lion.Pursuit by a lion but also not happy, deliberately avoid close to lions and others, the lion found each other in the process of many shortcomings, but because of strong to conquer the desire, the lion finally with perfect counsel will each other uniforms, but there are still a force.

Lion after married, take good care of his family, a strong sense of responsibility to the lion all as a family as the center, do our best to protect his family, his kindness.Lion very filial piety, do the right things themselves, trying to be all that is the only local son, even if how much elder is unreasonable, the lions are granted unlimited tolerance, is filial piety, the move drew neighborhoods of the old man often jealousy, hatred of peers.Lion not only to the spouse care maintenance, all inclusive, more care of their children and considerate, love but not spoiled, free treatment but not indulgence, and good at listening to the child's ideas, consider the feelings of children, feel free to communicate with children, equal dialogue, no longer junior grade boundaries.The lion of the child's life than their own, even if again how painful how rebellious children, the lion will try their best to save to come over, not by violence, but by actively guide, set an example, through their own words and deeds to persuade the child, with confident and optimistic, positive attitude to influence a child, never give up the idea of.The lion asked the kids to feel oneself is the most important person in my heart, their children even in bad foundation, will eventually become useful.The lion to the relatives and friends, even in the lion, relatives how to snub to the lion and ignore, the lion still treat them with common heart, no resentment and complain.Development gained by the lion in his own ability to show them to do, to prove that he is capable people, so they sit up and take notice to the lion.Also with this kind of behavior to education people attitude to life, but others do not think so, they don't think the lion so noble, want it thought that the lion out of them, for fear of what they find and avoid the lion lion.

After setbacks and mature of the lion is the most diplomatic purposes in the zodiac, low-key inside collect, not heavy, all but is deeply shrewd.The lion to be smooth and not for co-opting, just in order to draw experience and lessons, avoid detours on the path.They are only said a words, be an upright person leave room, calm and indifferent to fame and wealth.Their broad heart and tolerance, help others, others of nasty, small confused, reasonable, treats people with sincerity, pay attention to mention it.Lion who never show their talent, but praise others strengths, people with the lion has the feeling of a kind of such as the spring breeze.Lions do pay attention to strategy, to find the right person, do the right thing, and doing things in secret, a secret.The lion work is also very efficient, less error-prone, can handle everything.Lion is also very good at handling their relationship with different people, did not understand the lion genuine people will think he is good person, willing to help promote the lion, the lion show occasionally some talent let they admire, another eye up to the lion.In understanding of lion relatives and neighbors since childhood the in the mind will be more envy hate the lion, they envy the lion's perfect and to the point of crazy.

The world for evaluation of Leo is too low, and do not want to line the lion any convenience and help.Even if the lion for others, it to the best of the other people all think the lion as they did everything for granted, don't need to thank.Leo gushing speech, but a comment is not willing to listen to others, not as a last resort, desperate people are not willing to find a lion, and only a Leo has the ability to help them do, when forced to they will still be the nerve to find the lion, even the lion let bygones be bygones and help them to do things, they still didn't get the lion's affection, hide to the lion, see the lion cliff, there is no gratitude.Leo to which are not popular, people would rather elaborate touted hubris, impulse, the vestige of intellect and character of the monster, say they are smart, high IQ, has always been praised, without any criticism and rejection, where they are popular.People prefer to deliberately create fatuous low-energy, capricious clown become the greatest person in the various fields, said they were cool, intelligent people.Mediocre people also prefer to patronize obtuse, base cowardly dog slave, to pack them into high above the king, all shine his whole body.People prefer to just without virtue, without cunning greed shape traitor into elegant free and easy, noble's valiant aloof image, do anything they can get numerous support, millions of viewers.

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