Comment on abdomen black of Scorpio

reviewScorpioThe abdomen black

Scorpio abdomen black evaluation: refers to the day scold of fanatics

Scorpio man: this is very hate ah, Scorpio doesn't love me.Sexual desire is too strong that I would not say what?Anyway, as you all know.Really from the heart like 12 zodiac signsTo make loveThis matter.A slow.Very very very good at show MOE.Like to weave.Like digging themselves.Love can't be found.Do you want the peacocks seduce Scorpio man you're lost.Seemingly chasing the body, are the most important spiritual.Like a niche.Like cheating.Pack to force.To pack to force can be gone study thoroughly and then take out one-time loading force in place.So usually in a field will be particularly.Proud, conceited to lions are't.Like his own clique, not into that kind of strangers.Temperament, and ram.Cheating on four stars.Because with Taurus is the palace, so also like gay chance to five stars.Romantic fiction hero archetype ps sexual ability the word fuck you three days and three nights don't XieQi that you understand the dalai.

Comments on Scorpio abdomen black _ the zodiac

Scorpio girl: not easily by their dark temperament, familiar with how, after their queen posture are given filling words fee?Privately're an asshole and safe for all sorts of gossip with trail message this not exhausted.Can't stand no sex.To pursue high quality life.In fact, Scorpio that malicious in her own body.Like eating instant noodles to see a concert a month this kind of things they do.A snob is also a feature them.Unless you cow force than she otherwise it's hard to look them.Their mystique also comes from irregular to disappear for a period of time you don't know she is during that periodkillSet fire to go or go with official when the mistress.If you want to get day were the female was a poor, and you are the unique password can only in bed she, hanging wire, don't cry, preparation technology.Go ahead.

Scorpio isvirgoandAriesMix, they on the one hand, because the ego is stronger, not as easy as virgo being veiled, on the other hand they don't have Aries reason is mild.What they do is their own independent consciousness, both Aries pretty rushed straight stem, and contains a virgo go looking for trouble, squander.Usually, Scorpio gives the impression of is cloudy and dark depression, all deep, let a person not close and for its many preparedness.Their appearance will give others a lot of misunderstanding, and they are quiet personality, a group of people are not good at communication, over time, because not good at self and take care of others, Scorpio people tend to make enemies is more, it is difficult to have a lot of sincere friends, and they have been at a disadvantage position on interpersonal communication.

Who give up their appearance, Scorpio is the heart is a helpless pain, a ferocious face, as if received the big grievance, it is a sufferer of persecution fantasy.Their personality seem modest is not strong, but words are extreme, refers to scold, make enemies everywhere, bad guys they scold, good man also indiscriminately, swearing, they more often unclear performance score is good or bad, eyes also like virgo, don't know who is really good for them.Their daily performance seriously, mean oligonucleotides, against arrogance, a face of hubris, for the mean, a face of contempt.No one move, take a joke, they themselves never joke, they are actually not letting a virgo.

Scorpio's inner fragile pessimistic, serious emotional and emotionally, looks like a hedgehog, the thorn pricked up to stab people everywhere, but actually is their shields to protect themselves.They are not strong (Taurus libra is the true inner strength) of a group of people, the heart is actually a thug.Their suspicion is particularly heavy, see the drift of doubt someone else to hideous they become everywhere beware, be alert.Because of paranoid suspicion, Scorpio will positive action before not to harm others, active attack, will the enemy strangled in infancy.They are very loyal kind of person, is also the most hate deception, betrayal don't like hypocrisy, hold a grain of sand in his eyes.But they also do not haveTaurusSo strong revenge mental, rarely retaliating against others, just don't like despise disgusting person, interacting disdain.

Such people are often touted themselves how black snake, in fact, they have no Yin, likes and dislikes are what expression on the face, completely don't understand.They don't like little fidget, behind detest evil, for they will Ming dao Ming gun to fight with person, intrepid hardened, no retreat, don't give yourself go backward.In their eyes, black and white, no gray areas.They lack the essence through the insight, often can't distinguish is an ally or an enemy, listening to the wind is the rain, a rampage, immediately be instigated resolutely against the enemy of thought to the end.Often they take great pains, but completely the wrong object, let teammates lie in gun, also have a pig teammates.This is completely out of their extremely subjective and narcissistic, self-righteous, arrogance, and don't listen, wake up.

They are abused by a group of people, and enjoys a from the nue, fantasized oneself against the world everyday, feel satisfied pleasure in the tragedy.Their lack of talent, but think they have, in fact they only than Aries sophistication.In a real jorge posada hierarchSagittariusEyes, would have to see their weakness, several catties several two, intentionally PengSha them, causing sinister diabolical the illusion of Scorpio, was carried to the forefront, compelling, and striker he would hide behind the scenes to secure safely manipulate the situation, a problem for Scorpio.Scorpio is a very unwise, see don't wear the situation, don't know who is the real enemy, thought he was really public enemies, more and more arrogant narcissism, more free, refers to scold, deepen their misunderstanding and guard against others.They also feel good about themselves and the world of sin, all never admits his iniquity, more than they do evil things, they also self-confessed, proud as a peacock and those who did.Audacity, a face of owe a flat and madness.

Scorpio is generally the losers, and their failureLeo, Leo's failure is the luck, while they are deserve it.Failure of Scorpio abandon, become promiscuous, depravity, depression, intended to commit suicide, but often is not so strong despite the fortunes of suicide and difficult to success.When Scorpio will careers, more cynical, fearless, the world all not afraid.Scorpio should be put in a dark room for decades deep thinking to know who's bad, and finally can sincerely repent, after confession disillusion of Scorpio often have a bath fire rebirth energy, became more sophisticated prospective, is the most strong, unmatched in the world, but in general this kind of situation rarely.(The zodiac /astro/)

Was the lion create a good situation, striker jorge posada group use of monsters, libra out the lion's right-hand man Gemini (lion Gemini, unmatched in the world), the twin kan buguan in-fighting, active exit, he prowled the mountain forest.Bear the brunt of the ram as cannon fodder.Jorge posada group start to lay siege to the lion, the lion lost days, basic killing monsters, Taurus was framed by internal, libra is built on stilts, striker alive), both.This time don't like two sides of Scorpio revolt, resistance, create a good situation, the success of Scorpio will be easy to go to extremes, arrogance and easy to make mistakes.Striker last remaining group has been to preserve our sanity Capricorn look on coldly, beat Scorpio on endurance and cautious, Capricorn became king on the surface, only the rest of the jackal Pisces for the backer for Capricorn, strength weak striker group is still in the manipulation of the power behind the scenes.Counter to the Scorpio and Capricorn, Scorpio because disorderly, is infinite amplification, shortcomings and mistakes in the struggle is shaped into enemies, cruel bullying, Capricorn is shaped into wily king, and the lion fight with the striker group was deliberately hide, the lion's great image was wantonly smear and incomplete.Scorpio this intense extreme personality flatter and worship, the world for fashion.

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