Comments on the abdomen black of Gemini

reviewGeminiThe abdomen black

Gemini abdomen black evaluation: hermit, free and easy

Gemini men: very melancholy, looks like everyone talk really lonely inside, deep feeling scaredThe dead, love to eat grass back, crazy harassment after break up the ex, intelligent but not wisdom.Contrary to Capricorn.You feel.

Two children: a highly, emotional, capricious ground wallow this product only double children do come out.Mental derangement probability is higher than the cancer, leads to the old, love.

Gemini is a hermit because of Gemini tend to escape from reality, deep mood lose him, as I grow in age, through the increase of the increasingly strong.The hermit feelings are not inherently exist, but a kind of be compelled helpless.Too much reality to Gemini, so cruel and heavy chains are fragile Gemini is unable to bear.Twin heart actually have a lot of dream, most of these dreams are unrealistic, it is hard to realize, but Gemini has been looking forward to, along with a pure heart for their interest.They are interested in anything, do anything, all from the interest in itself, rarely utilitarian, pure heartfelt love, and to their own favorite things abnormal and specificity, never change, that kind of pure deep feelings also day long.

Comment on the abdomen black of the Gemini _ the zodiac

This bit is very heavy sentiment and the kind of person, childhood doll and marbles, postcards and exercise books, yellowing old photos, classmate friend write note, send greeting CARDS, they are all intact, is not willing to throw away.Gemini's vision has always been back memories, they are afraid of time, fear of accumulation and dispersion in a hurry, afraid to leave the sorrow of parting.They often recall the past, what happened, people met, aftertaste feeling at that time, the situation of that time.They had a vision for the future, but in their opinion, the future is unpredictable, more can't grasp, it is good to live in the moment, they are afraid can't catch, afraid of clockwise.If possible, they would prefer to go back to the past, back in time.This is a very don't like to look ahead of the crowd, saying they are negative, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, they are very afraid of the coming of the next moment.Sometimes they also want to see again in the future, every day fantasy unrealistic things, did not intend to fight for the things of reality.

Gemini is very lack of enterprise group, they muddle along, abnormal forbear, like a casual life.They are need to spur and encourage, is likely to awaken their morale and confidence.They're not alone, urging and forced cannot accelerate their steps, may even make them into a more negative emotions, halt.The companionship, they will have the courage to stand up, together with others to complete the task.They are very stubborn, and on thatvirgoVery like, but because virgo will cater to identity and yield, and the people in the dictionary of Gemini did not apologize and admit, this is a constellation, never compromise principle is very strong, would never do you don't want to do, even take rest in their necks, also do not change the original, stubborn.Even you did wrong, because in the face, or maintain the image, and don't want to admit.They are will find excuses, encounter problems, first of all want to is not looking for a way to solve, but cannot solve the excuse, then they will think of some way to make excuses, mostly in the form of hinder their complete reason, bad things didn't do or do not be lazy or reasons of the poor ability, but because what delayed, hindered, or they don't want to do and not do.But in reality which can because you don't want to do not want to and adapt to you?Over time, geminis will be very tired of this life, the world, and they felt too tired too did not mean too frustrated, will want to quickly escape.A lot of misanthropy is by this attitude and deepen, deeply rooted in the end.

The sign of the Gemini is a very afraid of loneliness, always need the company of people, very insecure inside.But most of the time they were extremely pay attention to personal space, attaches great importance to the privacy, don't want others to know their details, and tend to be more like to be alone.Their inner contradiction, on the one hand, very afraid of a person acting alone and produce anxiety fear, on the other hand, boring people know too many things, they make them more anxious and concern.They don't like being disturbed, feel to be alone is the most free, free, the easiest.Yet they bad action, the heart often hesitate, extreme delay again, hope all things go with others do have plenty of bottom spirit and courage, or delayed, until you give up, they don't really care in the end.

Gemini lack of leadership, itself the aura is too weak, and lack of confidence, not independence to do a lot of things out of it and the lack of encouragement has a lot to do at a young age.Gemini itself small shelf, not pride without prejudice, treat the personnel not favoritism is upright.But there are also many lofty aloof Gemini, they are unique, are "really low on agreeableness and more silent, popularity is poorer.This kind of Gemini are generally very cultured, Gemini belongs to only partial, interested in mysterious things more, and deep research.They are along with the gender, and look at the people used their performance will be very friendly sincere, for example-the they despised.For them the character by feeling, avoided status fame and wealth.They calm on the surface of calm, the heart is also in the struggle to struggle.Sometimes they look very independent, paranoid stubborn, sometimes indecisive, wandering.They can sometimes impulsive action, did not the material's diligence is tenacious, sometimes like a mud, pack to sleep how call also called don't wake up.

Gemini self-control is very poor.Although the heart also in the struggle, but they will find an excuse for a lot of, for himself used to indulge themselves.Before has not suffered setbacks, they weak willpower, after a defeat will become very strong, they seldom tears, although often sad.Gemini is one more thing to say, it's easy to rely on, don't want to do all depend on other people.Attention to their own things, who do not satisfied, they will do, feel very strong, think some things only yourself is the best.If this in a team, Gemini is easy to be isolated, they also lack the team consciousness, don't like cooperation, often not abandon their team, but their own out of the team, from the crowd.They really don't like and others, often their preferences are different from people around you, there is a aloof and arrogant, they enjoyed the different feelings of satisfaction and pride.

Gemini money consciousness is indifferent, they may need to save money for the future, but not intentionally frugal to accumulate, also won't figure wealth, income how many don't really care, just work, spending is not optional waste.Gemini is very simple no scheming, for grievances, they will be able to see through, but the lack of struggle consciousness, just patience, tend to suffer more, then forget it.They don't bear grudges easily, but there will be some people in life is that they don't, they don't want to pay, to avoid missing, geminis don't have that much hatred.

Gemini's patience in fact very strong, very can insist, don't stick to it as if is not complete, they don't like very much, have a vacant vacant, so is not perfect, so in a world of Gemini, not sharing.Gemini is idealist, they hope the world is the true, to children's innocent and pure view of people and things, they do not hypocritical, do false, elaborate deception.They are truer, few doubt others' motives, often sacrificing their own interests to promote harmony and integrity.The principle of Gemini is very strong, that a thing or a road, no matter what all don't violate the principle, isThe zodiacOne of the most adhere to the ideal.(the zodiac/astro /)

Gemini's thought is inclined to the Taoist quietism, comparedTaurusThe buddhist thought,libraThe neo-confucianism,ScorpioThe legalists,LeoThe Confucian thought,PiscesChristian thought,SagittariusThe conspirators thought, spirit of Gemini is most was born.So that the Gemini and fit into this world, neurotic, spirit fragile, easily split personality.Gemini, free and easy, a lot of the time just too idealistic and was forced to believe that as a hermit birth is far away from the pain lost the only way.

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