Comment on dark of the abdominal cancer

reviewcancerThe abdomen black

Cancer abdomen black evaluation: humble cowardly dog slave

Cancer men: black cold-blooded serious abdominal vengeful, gentle affinity that occupy the home is to outsiders, camouflage, to see the ways of the world is very transparent, ambitious.69 enthusiasts.The most heartfelt love to the girl KJ.Really!Who do not recognize who is not an objective!

The cancer woman: manipulative, sensitive heart strong glass, the dreamy Pisces female melodramatic! Love crying is twice as the pitfalls magnifying the cancer woman.Have a heart of "hope, Jackie chan, the high.Careful everything involving the cancer woman to family members, angry she will cut you ten street.

Sign of cancer are very gentleness, man as a poor scholar, female as a humble servant girl.First met, let a person feel the cancer men like a snot, but the cancer woman is like a snake oil clingy.They depend on people, won't go away, all belong to the passivity of the kind of person.Their very lack of sense of belonging, every moment is looking for the owner, not a day without a master.It's easy to believe others, poor's ability to distinguish good or bad, good and evil, they would rather believe that this world only in good faith, to believe that there are malicious.Even suffered unfair treatment, they will still be excuses for bad guys, in order to balance their finance.Them with huge turtle shell, before could not find host, they always rely on their back shells to protect themselves and to repair the wound.

Comment on cancer of abdominal black _ the zodiac

They like to test the people around, no more than is to determine who is they should be loyal to the master.They often around to disfigure by mental retardation and actions to win people's heart, if get approval feedback, they will be very touched, grateful to the other party.If you are not interested in, do not interact with, they will immediately lost, hid his head into the shell, again to find a way to continue to please.Of course this kind of situation has a premise, it is the cancer hasn't identify the master should be loyal to myself.By investigating judge, they found themselves to please the person also is the same as they was weak, they will immediately turned about, and continue to look for.When they detect each other callous (typicallyvirgoThey please, even virgo clown, visible its low-end base), sneering at the time, they make mean heartHave a haircut, think the other is in the test, their hone them, ignored them because each other have skill, powerful, can they dragged off turtle shell, give them protection and rely on.The other usual lash disdain to them, occasionally be caring and attentive, they will feel flattered, they sell horse, cow, would like to life.

They are extremely insecure person, always feel lonely and helpless, the humble small, must be as parasites to live well.They are weak, at the same time, the category of people or a bully.No master's orders, they can't make a move, the master commanded, they will save soup might fire, in diligently.They are very loyal to master by the interests, as if master sacrosanct, anyone who violate to master, even if feel sorry, will still be cut off in order to master and resolutely.They will be good to each other, unconditionally demand is extremely low, even no request was willing to do cattle and horses for each other.Their attitude is very low, but in front of the person CARES about low to the dust, just make sure each other feel good, no negative feelings, they are very care about each other's mood changes, afraid to give each other a little bit unhappy.They are patience, no request of the other good, but is to wait for the other side to review their a little bit, even a gentle greeting greetings and think nothing of it.

Cancer of courage is very small, they do the wrong thing dare not admit that hid in the shell to hide or the first timeescapeThey fear most face in front of others to make mistakes and honest to each other, the category of people they are irresponsible.All say cancer filial piety, actually they are not filial to your elders, they don't care about the family of their expectations, can sacrifice to host family.Also said their family, in fact they are timid dare not go out.Heart actually very looking forward to the outside world, they like how romantic fancies himself in the outside, how do mischief, to gain satisfaction.

They are more humble than virgo low-end, every virgo will be as a master, lead, fearing to offend.They are very sensitive, suspicious about, easy to emotional, self-pity, live in a perfect you, lost the ego.Their foreign showed introverted, shy, trivial, timid, this is not so much of their modest and prudent, as they are good at camouflage.Uneasy heart inspires their career ambitions, to climb step by step, they will be wrapped up in work, forget all about eating and sleeping, do not attempt to hide its climb.In high cancer can blind arrogance, arrogance, authoritarian bullying.They mistakenly assume that leaders should be such a domineering personality and bad imitation, indulge in the complex of puffed up.

Cancer is easy to go with the flow, often go along with the opinions of others, and she did not dare to independent, seemingly sway in the wind of straw, dare not to dominate the environment, conformity and fear, even in a strong state.This low profile but give them a good popularity, people before they inadvertently showed superior will make them and no imbalance.Virgo is also easy to create objects at the same time, but that is the result of the virgin they want to show to make, a virgin because vanity voluntary were carried to the forefront, laurels, excesses, enjoy the high above the orders, they are susceptible to control.Pawn and cancer is willing to do, do a scapegoat for the bad guys, blocked, to maintain the background.

Cancer foreign gentleman image, long repressed, unavoidable internal instantaneous explosion, the leading role of several critical events are cancer, in front of the vulnerable groups they do not feel selfish cold-blooded.For money, they don't likeAquarius:Lust, virgo is small not big, but stingy, see more heavy, grip tightly, often struggle on cost, paring, they fear most is others ask them to borrow money, and their own has always been something borrowed to others also.They will spend a lot of money to dress up their faces, and mean to spend a little money on eating live line.Their consumption is not comfortable and practical for oneself, the more from others and close relationship.(The zodiac /astro/)

Cancer is ineffective in gone with the untouchables, has always been a denialThe tortoise, dare not fight, lose your life.In peacetime, it is easy to be carried to high, and people are willing to building their little prick silk counter attack of glorious image, the sky and they also tried to consolidate their position, reputation, and they are also trying to safeguard the interests of the owner, a glorious one, good dog is a faithful not two.

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