Comment on Capricorn abdomen black

Comment on Capricorn abdomen black

Capricorn abdomen black evaluation: by dervish

Capricorn men: in the feminine with a bit abnormal condition, seemingly inflexible serious, actually shit, secretly to flower.Caravaggio was love freedom.Only certain good to a few people, a as well as for a lifetime.In the mind always have a forget a person, not easily, only he knows.When you when the man turns into a workaholic, ha ha, don't doubt, love ya.Hate with others.Like the maverick like different.Hate rut.Cold humor with black humor enthusiasts, since black enthusiasts.No moral integrity and the lower limit only Aquarius can fight with them.Was a late bloomer.Frowsty coquettish.There is some unknown eccentricity, and of the eccentricity are crazy obsession.Wisdom but not clever.You feel.

Capricorn female: perennial assumed a huotang legally by grace that fit tolerance heart is strong, such as husband to cheat is to explain all the misunderstanding of this helpless pain are women.Too simple, sometimes naive, such as believe that efforts to have return the full of amount of negative energy.Does not have many friends, since the childhood is so few.Hidden not male not female.Look more normal privately more not normal.Perennial depressive, from psychology to the physical.Poor memory response is slow.Most of the revenge heart comes from pride insulted.The most spoony love handsome boy but again not admit that he got blue.The older, the SAO will play more and more love to play.Truly deserve great wisdom like a fool this four word.Nothing has high hung.See understand is not to say.Like Nancy.Looking for the similar likes to use ironic way.The more the more mature the Capricorn woman young were tricked into miserable, just they hide too not let you find.Haggle over every ounce of money, but to their own circles friend lover and particularly willing to spend money, that both men and women.This seat as a Capricorn woman can responsibly tell you that the Capricorn woman is more old more beautiful, you are worth the investment.

Capricorn person is very quiet, give a person a kind of steadfast diligent Ken, composed collect inside feeling.Among the most obscure one, is one of the most easy to ignore.Many people like to put you into a wily jorge posada role, in fact, to be honest, the category of people Capricorn is overvalued.Their nature is good, always down-to-earth, don't believe, they know they can't gifts of luck, have to do is only one step a footprint, must not be vague.They finally was successful, but with the passage of time, the accumulated step by step, and they are neglected, no one noticed the ambition and conduct of their efforts to climb.Said ambition might be a little less appropriate, their ambition is not big, but is for the material life rich, stable and adequate supply of food and vegetables, let they can support us, not for daily necessities, such as the most basic living and worry.

Comment on Capricorn abdomen black _ the zodiac

Early Capricorn is generally poor, easy to live in the bottom, it is difficult to enjoy the other rich children's extravagant.Capricorn in the heavy burden of the family when I was small, which often cause their precocious, early to feel the misery and injustice of social, has also greatly affected the mind.They also used a child is pure and sincere look forward to the world the true, but the reality often feedback come with no depth, empty lonely, let life slip past them to the desire need of, so habitual Capricorn will bring the depressing mask, a pair of painfully sad face.

They are pure kind of 7, very patient and always seek truth from facts, not lucky.They know very early, no background background only honestly do their duty, to avoid losing a cause, they have a careful, rigorous rigid, lack of fun to live.Capricorn admire free casual fun life, but they know it's their temporarily difficult to have, must be more efforts to improve their situation.Capricorn's talent is poorer, such people foolish foolish in the surface, but also there is no lack of wisdom in the chest, the wisdom is accumulated by experience formed a theory system.They need to do is more hard work than others, that they are in the heart, so they don't get away with, steadfast steady.

Is the silence of the kind of people they are, although the in the mind also very hope in front can be eloquent, but often awkward and inner cowardice drives them at hesitant, repeatedly consideration.They take a fancy to face very much, afraid of mistakes, to err on the side of all things, so Capricorn look let a person feel very slow, but they are thinking too much gain and loss.They are very lack of security, the heart has a strong loneliness and anxiety, particularly timid nature, because there is no sense of belonging, lack the warmth of home, feel not stable, has been in the stray, always lonely.But they can give people a sense of security.They are lack of curiosity, they interested in people and things will want to understand, and through the mannerisms, they will perceive others' inner world.They need a long time to carefully examine, understanding, the actual evaluation, to make a decision to make people feel that their bad action, let a person hard to get.

All their life stability, we can't easily adventure, although the heart also has the desire, but they lack the courage, is very afraid to lose, they are hard to get special attention, not easy waste, abide by the industry and thrift.So many times, can let a person feel too petty, how poor they like to express themselves, how, at the risk of secrecy, even if the various aspects of their lives are good.Appearance of inferiority of Capricorn, actually heart is very arrogant, but they do not arrogant snob.They often have the feeling of disappointment and unsuccessful, on the one hand, eager to fairness and justice, on the one hand lamenting their immature.They wont hide, sometimes just out of a kind not confident for their own, they will first consider the feelings of people around, but it is not easily export.

For good and evil, they share very clear, for jorge posada tricks can easily see through but not communicate.They like to be, to avoid injury.In a crisis, they will do everything you can to save lives, but not his life for justice, they tend to preserve our sanity.For bad, they will not abandon, the heart will make a profound self-examination and summary analysis, also can express the blame around.But their heart is weak, vulnerable, often deadpan, looks grim isolation to conceal inner fragile, not easily up the direct conflict with others, they were afraid to offend others, because of the weak.Such people are usually very self, opinionated, hard to lobby.They will do good thinking, rational, difficult to change, also won't easily impulse.

Collect inside their personality, but also don't hate, feel inside collect make public however is part of the character.At the same time for outgoing, cheerful personality, they are very yearning, because their own lack of, and difficult to obtain in exercise the day after tomorrow.For the show, they are annoying, but will think actually show also have skill, a way to show their own, and they are not good at most is a publicity stunt.In general, they are pessimistic, whether it is born, or the day after tomorrow's transformation, the mood will be accompanied by his life.They can fully realize their emotional attitude change, will be adjusted in a timely manner, in order to does not affect the normal life and work.They are inclined to the wto, in real life looking for existence, the logos in discipline is strict requirements and comply with the maintenance.(The zodiac /astro/)

With full of their traditional, responsibility, ideal, wealth, social status, and so on heavy baggage, to crawl to the mountaintop, even if the speed is slow, long, they are not afraid of hard, specific goals, determined.The burden is also urging them forward momentum, few people like Capricorn, perseverance, stick to it, clinging to improve and progress.They won't because the real life is unpleasant and choose to escape from, instead they will more deeply into the society, more hard work, to the pursuit of material life in the faint in the city rich complete, seek smooth inner stability, they are in the downtown of ascetic.

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