Taurus man will be caught

Taurus men

Do the following, you can manage the flank

Stable, amorous, economical, beautiful but no heavy make-up, wearing a tasteful but not blind pursuit of luxury fashion, loyal, no manner of mad men, sensitive and tender

Know how to enjoy life pleasure, such as: food, beautiful scenery.Compared with out carnival, more willing to enjoy family.Interested in art, and would appreciate: music, poetry, art, understand at home to create the feeling of guests feel at home

Don't hypocrisy, outgoing and not deliberately hide love, learn to be patient and enjoy his hand and mouth foreplay to return his praise and tease, eager to build a warm home

Can capture the Taurus man _ the zodiac

Honest and stick to their beliefs, compared with chaos, more like him and your family keep respect of harmonious yearning for a long, strong relationships, according to plan, control his wallet, to reiterate: loyalty.To reiterate: aspire to, such as the relationship of the earth

Has the following characteristics.Preparation and the flank say Bye Bye

Play love games, cheating, conspired against him, and indifferent, capricious, intentionally hung his appetite, outfit B, casual about money, especially his money

And night strike, too ashamed to show affection to provoke quarrels have deteriorated wrong and his friends, more enthusiasm for friends contact in order to get his envy and jealousyFormer boyfriend

Rude stubborn, will not enjoy the beauty of life, refused to accept his opinion suppress his fantasy of your body in a hurry the end of the bed movement,The zodiac /astro/)

To reiterate: will never allow any slightest betrayal.To reiterate: too rational, erratic, too reserved.To reiterate: waste!Influence of his plan

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