Can capture the trick of male lion

Leo man

You have to refer to the following man knocked down by a lion

Beautiful, rich, has the achievement is the best three conditions are met..Noodles have self-knowledge, know how to wear the dress, know how to treat a dozen

Have their own unique style, looks fine, and will appreciate the finer things in life, mature plump culture educated, passionate for hobbies, sociable and respected, has certain influence circle of acquaintances

Would occasionally be used as a trophy to show, there is the royal demeanor but need to understand the "throne" still belong to him, love him, encourage him, praise him, appreciate him, respect and support him

Can capture the lion male trick _ the zodiac

And romantic emotional appeal, be willing to accept food and wine are willing to wear lingerie and use body language to seduce tease him, can accept frequent and excite the straight matter, mild and sense of humor, love kids

If you want to get rid of the lion male, do the following

To humiliate him, no style, indifferent and do not have love, love children, no life goal, unreliable, isolated without a friend, not love social gatherings or fellowship, not loyalty, rude, mediocre, stingy

Try to more dramatic than he trampled his self-esteem, old nest on the sofa, like let nature take its course, the pursuit of the heart and soul aspects is blue

Make him feel worthless, rejection, and he to wushan, refuse his romantic love, criticize him,The zodiac /astro/)

No reliable, loyal, tried to manipulate and control him, hypocrisy, flirtatious and except him

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