Can capture the striker male of trick

Sagittarius men

To get to the Sagittarius men, do the following

He is free in even when you are dating, encourage him to get along with friends, carefree, positive, flexible, considerate, love adventure, love freedom

Strong adaptability, resilience, wise spiritual pursuit, have a thirst for knowledge, experience, love to play, do exercise, honest and sincere, willing to experience life, sexual experience, along with the gender, energetic

Interesting and like challenges, always have to guess, he has a graduate degree in ideal state, love traveling, I enjoy working with people, understand all kinds of different culture, hobbies and special interest, know how to have fun in life

Can capture the striker male trick _ the zodiac

How can let you lose your Sagittarius men

Need to focus on, clingy, do not have what interest, no friends, annoying

Take in everything in a glance, their image and has no interest in fitness activities, has no interest in international affairs, no education, no socialization, don't like to travel

Hate the metaphysical or informative discussion, traversing the pledge, bad words and emotions are expressed, deceptive (The zodiac /astro/)

Idea about sex is too conservative, too conservative, cynical, too emotional, namely to brandish, do around himA woman~ ~ one of them

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