Can capture cancer man trick

Cancer men

To push back the cancer men and maintain the relationship, refer to the following points

Educated, good understanding to understanding, maternal, willing to traditional, respect for his family, to respect his beliefs

There areA womanTaste, ikea appropriate room, cooking, want to have a home, love kids and want to have children, willing to build a stable family, can give support, like his mother from idea to image and spirit, fully like his mother

Sincere and honest, from the deep feeling of body and mind, stability and sedate, allow him to have private time, good tolerance and can appreciate

Strong and tender, made him feel safe, like playing kissy-poo, can get off from the slow and romantic sex is fun, express your appreciation to him

Can capture the cancer man _ the zodiac

Patience, thrift, a little bit of art and creativity, gentleness, listen to him, he

If dumped the cancer man, do the following

When you quarrel looked rough and rude, and did not respect his family and friends, and scold him at home, or even more serious, in front of others

Picky about his words, behavior, and beliefs, excessive independence and emotional dissociation, make fun of his feelings.Ask him to make a logical explanation

Day and night partying, eating take-away to earn a living, love cooking, money, love tease (The zodiac /astro/)

Do not love the child, don't like to have a family idea, hypocrisy and dishonest, capricious unreliable, when he need to pay attention to ignore him, disturb him heart and domestic peace

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