Taurus boy like a girl

Taurus men hate most is to guess to guess the idea, for some of the efforts of the complexA womanThey are very headache, it's easy to become a professional in the field of hard strongman, and some aspects of them outside the professional is to no, pragmatic they also know how much he was needed a wife, at the same time,TaurusAs Venus under the care of the constellation of aesthetic is also have certain requirements, not beautiful can endure, no temperament?The score is low in his mind.

  Taurus boy like a girl

Tell from the appearance, head cover with elegant long hair, dressed in elegant dress, delicate hand carry bag's girl can attract the attention of his most;Like girls that are relatively full of gentleness docile.Too dead skin or skinny girl, do not interest him.

  Taurus boy like: honest and sweet voice of a girl

Though not enthusiastic will actively pursue a girl, but with affection to deep and specificity, so the pursuit of objects, also hope that is a lovely and honest girl.Because like to highlight so most don't appreciate those who like to show off their knowledge, the girl of the things.For smiles, sounds sweet girl is also very appreciate.If your valentine is a Taurus, must bear in mind that "affection is serious".For Taurus, the feelings of falls is can't afford to fall, otherwise they will be how or blocked emotional attitude to face everything.

  The Taurus boy like mind pure temperament

Taurus men hate most is to guess to guess the state of mind, for some complex mind of the woman they are very headache, it's easy to become a professional in the field of hard strongman, and some aspects of them outside the professional is to no, pragmatic they also know how much he was needed a wife, at the same time, as Venus under the care of the constellation of Taurus aesthetic is also have certain requirements, not beautiful can endure, no temperament?The score is low in his mind.

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