Gemini boys like girls

The Gemini man is basically like chasingA womanRun, they like to accept new challenges, for can he always elusive woman he is willing to continuously to study.In addition, they hate the same, although very rational woman will make them as a hindrance and head, but clingy woman more will let him escape.

  GeminiThe boy like what kind of girl

Tell from the appearance, simple short hair or long hair, that make up plait on wear a sweatshirt under the loose shorts or miniskirt, carrying the most streamlined bag can hold them in the eye.The volume too big girl, he doesn't like.Especially the fat woman, more can't interest him.

  Gemini boys like: smart girl

Gemini boy to the flexible, rich sense of humor, and knowledge.Can bring girls happy breath, he is a very popular with the girls.Again because is a fitting, so although is intellectual sign, but he wouldn't be in love a little flower heart, don't appreciate the girl serious and lack of interest.For a bright and cheerful disposition smart, and can appreciate his humor girl, the most favorable.

  Gemini boys like: battle of wits of good partners

Gemini's lover, love high IQ, brains moving too fast, and talented, if you are not very self-abased, I do not know what is a thick-skinned, explore boldly, is not without the possibility of successful touchdown.With a Gemini, you must have a common interest, cultivate the two common hobbies and topics is very important, this is after continuous cropping the lover is no exception.They like intellectual interaction, you may wish to expose his talent, or to enrich their own knowledge to impress each other's heart.

  Gemini boys like: a ready mind every-changing joon

The Gemini man is basically like chasing a woman ran, they like to accept new challenges, for can he always elusive woman he is willing to continuously to study.In addition, they hate the same, although very rational woman will make them as a hindrance and head, but clingy woman more will let him escape.

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