Cancer boys like girls

Cancer male is patience, love can also show considerable tolerance heart, so they look forA womanRequirements is not very strict, but in fact the opposite is true, underneath the conservative family and emotionally sensitive to considerate wife depends greatly on, in addition to spend money like water shopping crazy they shun.

  cancerThe boy like what kind of girl

Tell from the appearance, as long as it is long hair, he likes wearing a hair clip or bowknot is better, with ethnic falbala coat and pleating group of clothes girl, is his favorite "xiuse meal" than facial features obvious girl, he is like a round face and lucky countenance a good child.Like the hair has long hair.Hate the most luxuriant and vulgar.Ordinary simple beauty and full of warmth, the most attracted to him.

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He the object of pursuit, must have many similar places with his mother.For the person I love, also has been decided that she is in the futureTo get marriedThe object.He didn't appreciate the active girl, and like the girl gentle innocence.If you want to get his love, never. How lovely in the limelightInstead should big play the gentle women.

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Cancer people attach importance to spiritual communication, what is the feeling in the heart, be sure to express.When his lover, is destined to become a sentimental and thoughtful listener.Especially in adversity, he must accompany at his side, along with laughter and tears, don't shout pain, also can not too tired.For them, your patience will be better than sincerity, dedication will be seen as extreme and true meaning of love.

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Cancer male has considerable patience, love, also can show a considerable tolerance heart, so they look not very strict to the requirement of women, but in fact the opposite is true, underneath the conservative family and emotionally sensitive to considerate wife depends greatly on, in addition to spend money like water shopping crazy they shun.

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