Capricorn boy like a girl

  Jie a boy like a girl

Tell from the appearance, clear soup noodles straight, neat end loading, plain girl, dressing for the best locking his eyes;Article body curve, small face, wide forehead, big eyes give a person tender feeling of girl, is he admired object.In addition, also don't like wearing gorgeous, look coquettish girl, also don't enjoy wearing silver the gold belt.

  CapricornThe boy like: gentle and lovely girl

What things are slower, the love of bud germination is slower than the others.Although very enthusiastic, but because of the lack of active pursuit of the girl's courage, so often fail to enjoy the taste of love.Be addicted to love, or by feeling trapped, he does not appreciate that everyone praises, Ming yan's girl, like roses rather like the narcissistic, such as tender as a lovely girl.For that kind of careless, zhang mouth laughing girl, produces psychological disgust.Gentle light gives a person the most distasteful to him, so it is soft, strong features, also is his favorite objects.

  Capricorn boy like: hard self-motivated girl

Capricorn will like trying to hold on to the end of personality, and deepen the sincerity relative, as to high looks not very sophisticated in their view is a second problem, the character is not high, high head not good is key.Want Capricorn heart, patience, perseverance and personal charisma is important, hard work is their survival principle as the golden rule, also it is pursuit of your principles.

  Capricorn men like: there are certain work ability of wife and mother

Capricorn man choice preference is always a practical oriented, they also love beautiful woman, also like figure explosive spice, but want to sort, they still value the ability of each other, more in their eyesA womanMay not need to be clever, but must have a mind, whys and wherefores of the big picture.

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