Reveal the subtext of Taurus men refuse to marriage

Reveal the subtext of Taurus men refused marriage _ the zodiac

Love is always nice and sweet, is the so-called marriage is loveThe grave, when couples begin to face to talk about marriage, many realistic problems, some people began to hesitations, even start looking for a variety of rhetoric push to take off, let's take a look at what is the subtext of Taurus men refuse to marriage!

TaurusBoy: "I always felt the lack of talent to be a good husband."

If the Taurus man says to you, him or is the truth.Because the Taurus man was unaware of things too easily show the fear and worry.In other words, the already become their habit.And now that you have used when it is lack of psychological preparation to put thought into action, why suddenly appear when talking about marriage psychological disorder?No other reason, just don't want toTo get marriedBut not willing to put the words too straight.

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