Reveal the subtext of virgo man refused to marriage

Reveal the subtext of virgo man refused marriage _ the zodiac

Love is always nice and sweet, is the so-called marriage is loveThe grave, when couples begin to face to talk about marriage, many realistic problems, some people began to hesitations, even start looking for a variety of rhetoric push to take off, let's take a look at what is the subtext of virgo man refused marriage!!!!

virgoThe boy: "people will always grow, and so people's thinking and it will change."

When virgo man say that to you, you must relax watch carefully, to see the look on his face is a calm, or with an air of some guilt and pity.After all, this kind of love can't easily trust, is a little pessimistic tendency of virgo man often have.If he just wanted to let you know their feelings, it was fine;But if this sentence comes with he's clearly wrong, you have to understand that this theory has become the subtext of his "marriages"!

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