Reveal the subtext of cancer men refuse to marriage

Reveal the subtext of cancer men refused marriage _ the zodiac

Love is always nice and sweet, is the so-called marriage is loveThe grave, when couples begin to face to talk about marriage, many realistic problems, some people began to hesitations, even start looking for a variety of rhetoric push to take off, let's take a look at what is the subtext of cancer men refuse to marriage!

cancerBoy: "man, the gentleman should thrive after wife first."

If it is other men say such a thing, how many some credibility, but as the most importance to family life the cancer man said so, intention is very obvious.In fact, if the person is ideal marriage object, cancer men want as soon as possible with the mind of the marriage circle the two people together, than who are an obvious.And when they use a career as an excuse to delay when talking about marriage, you should understand this man show, just the road!

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