Reveal a Pisces man rejected the subtext of marriage

Reveal the subtext of a Pisces man refused marriage _ the zodiac

Love is always nice and sweet, is the so-called marriage is loveThe grave, when couples begin to face to talk about marriage, many realistic problems, some people began to hesitations, even start looking for a variety of rhetoric push to take off, let's take a look at what is the subtext of a Pisces man refused marriage!!!!

PiscesBoy: "I worry about attraction between us at present, only is based on the perceptual level."

Well, really responsible for marriage really need based on perceptual appeal, as well as the rational sense of responsibility, the two but if always sensitive Pisces man suddenly and the affection between you say you think you need to use more rational measure, probably doesn't mean that this guy has matured, but a means to him, the affection between your base is not enough!When his sensibility is not enough to convince himself with you together for life, have to need rational balance can be determinedTo get marriedThe marriage would you like?

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