Commercial name of art

Commercial name of art

Someone said that the artist is defined as: long hair, a full face of beard, talented, and smelled like strange temper.In the goods if blood flow to the artists, noble temperament will follow up and want to know goods sometimes also want to learn to pretend to be intellectuals with glasses?It is worth mentioning that in beverage market competition, some brands implement "culture plays, act in an opera in economy" such a way, in the name of culture, for customers to carry out attacks.One of these foreign brands drink called "Picasso" coffee is very representative, "art" very much.

"Picasso" coffee not only boldly on the aluminium cans printed colors painting, also flaunt oneself is "art".Take a world-class master of art in the name of, again to painting a packing, "Picasso" is really a Gao Yizhu chess.

In Japan, Picasso's name also was quoted by a chemical company.The company has developed a "coating type alloying agents" if you put the alloying agent after coated with copper, strange to say, ordinary copper plate race can also produce exquisite and vivid art design, I admire the great "chemical changes".Then the chemical name is also called "Picasso" emotional appeal.Sounds very fresh and full of temperament.

Artistic name has the following some examples for reference, such as:

The pastoral symphony (western restaurant)

The wizard of oz (real estate)

The small dog waltz (Chopin piano works)

Expo home (magazine)

Long long time (public television)

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