Company name process

Company name process

First understand company named process can be named their company save a lot of trouble, interested friends can come in to understand the entrepreneurship.

Company name:

1, want to give your company name, then the first thing you need to know your company is to belong to what industry, and in reference to the other in the same company name, and then also want to know your company's structure, the structure of the name of the company: [administrative divisions] + [name] + [industry] + [form] order, the structure of the company name is uniform throughout the country.

2, according to the regulation on administration of enterprise name registration: the name of the company name, also is limited, can't take a foreign language, Chinese phonetic alphabet and Arabic numerals, shall not be named China, China, the national, state, international, etc.

3, size, name three main factors: (1) positioning (is stem what of, and what about the name, don't wrong tauren horsetail);(2) simple (don't get too uncommon words, see all don't know what you are, don't remember your company name).(3) profound meaning (to meaningful, starting from the company's long term, let the other people easily identify)

May 4, commonly, a few good company name, and then in the industrial and commercial system to check whether someone has already registered enterprise name

5, after the enterprise name name check to industrial and commercial bureau, industrial and commercial bureau will be issued the notice on the pre-approval of enterprise name, your company name here is identified.

A, select the company form

Ordinary limited liability company, the minimum registered capital of 30000 yuan, need two or more shareholders.

Second, the information needed for registered company

(1) the company's articles of association

(2) the registered capital

(3) to formulate the registered company name several (according to the co., LTD., the name of norms of good co., LTD name, best a few, in order to avoid the nuptial won't register, can find the name company named his co., LTD.).

(4) the institutions of the company and its method, functions and powers and rules of procedure

(5) the rent house property card, leasing contract.Company name process

(6) contact phone number and contact address of shareholders and shareholders

(7) the company business scope.

Personal information (8) : id, address, telephone number.

(9) of the company's domicile

Third, the company business formally

After all procedures done, co., LTD., will be officially to conduct business, to carry out registration of all business co., LTD., authorized.

Daquan company name method

Whether do understand its methods in general or the right, also won't let yourself feel the name is ignorance on this issue in the company.

Company name method one: the smooth circulation of the five elements, whether it is a brand name or personal brand, both in Chinese and English, both the mathematical and the like.Has the daoist said, g, and the four patterns.Whether circulation between word and word is the key, is even more crucial to crosstalk.

Company name method 2: brand strategy planning.Endorsed single brand strategy, brand strategy, brand strategy, brand strategy, the different stages and different scale enterprise have different patterns.

Company name method three: allow enterprise name should give priority to with flagship product, highlight the theme strengthen the situation and do not do false, exaggerated modify filling gaps, macroscopic prospect.

Company name method 4: brand recognition.1, clear and concise;2, connotation is rich;3, strong visual impact;4, with the character of age;5, has the cultural connotation.

Company name method 5: brand positioning.Four steps: 1, analyze the industry environment;2, looking for segregation concept;3, find support point;4, spread and applied.

Company name method 6: auspicious inherently mathematical, auspicious words, auspicious azimuth, life and everything.

Company name method seven: over time, some industry is more special, the naming should not only accord with the future development trend, but now business model, to enterprise's development in the future, create a new generation of brand, always trendy and determine the direction of the prophets.

Company name method 8: spread of brand integration.1, advertising media strategy;2, market vivid;3, public relations activities;4, soft propaganda;5, relationship marketing.

Company name method 9: begets to every word.There are five lines of each word, the best choice is born at the back of the words in front of the word, the development will be more and more smooth more and more prosperous.

Company name method 10: industry color choice.Such as real estate industry as the soil, suitable for color is yellow or brown, by the fire generates, red is also applicable.Company name process

Company name method 11: type of the cathode.Word with both explicitly and implicitly, surface lucky enough, still need to divine by means of character analysis, in order to achieve internal and external and repairing.

Company name method twelve: numerology is the root cause.An enterprise name or brand name five lines and numerology, head of enterprise must be the same or phase, otherwise, business will be difficult, profit is not easy, because multiterminal, irritation.If the font size five lines, in contrast to the legal person in numerology, will have a disaster occurred.Volvo, the collapse of the emerging enterprises, struggling under the weight of big companies and more.

Company name skills

(1) the name of the company to loud and clear, easily.Such as McDonald's three characters, loud and has a sense of rhythm, and the propagation force.Name is mouthful, rhythm is not strong, the adverse effect of pronunciation, is unfavorable to propagation, thus it is difficult to achieve the public consensus.

(2) the name of the company should comply with the corporate philosophy, the service objective, it helps the company image.Such as of Toronto blue jays building two words, it's like an island in the ocean blue, quiet and peaceful, in order to provide a place of rest, pour out of the blue jays to consumers, so as to establish a good corporate image.

(3) the company name should be short and lively.Name words less, less strokes, easy to exchange of information and consumer, to facilitate consumer memory, at the same time can also cause the public's fancy, meaning more rich.

(4) the name of the company should possess extraordinary boldness of vision, aggressive, ambitious, give a person with shock.STONE, such as, cross the cross of the group, from English homophones, meaning STONE, symbol of the STONE to the tip of the high and new technology.

(5) the name of the company should have their own uniqueness.Has the character of the name of the company can avoid don't with company name is similar, in case of confusing the public memory, and can deepen the public impression of the company.Such as, beichen beichen group, express the heaven and earth in heaven and earth, lenovo, lenovo and so on name, has a unique personality, to impress people.

Company name principle:

1, in line with the brand communication;

2, up to three configuration;

3, conform to yi;

4, conform to sound, word meaning, style;

5, comply with the mathematical;

6, conform to the enterprise as a legal person or the biggest shareholder in numerology;

7, conform to the enterprise engaged in the industry and enterprise culture;

8, in line with the five lattice profile;

9, in line with the melody, phonology;

10 and personalized style.

Company name taboo

1, the same approximation: hide the somebody else good situation seems to be the common fault of the Chinese people.You took three word brand, I just try to two words with you, good to confuse consumers.You call my name is "x" honey "honey".You are "yi kang", I would call a "x".You are the "seven star", I become a star "*".Even someone with you for a homophonic altogether.Actually, the opposite effect.

2, not auspicious: meaning unlucky is named after the commercial faux pas.Because it not only let the name of the host to produce bad associations, more important is that it will affect the others on the subject, no matter the subject is a person, an enterprise, or a commodity.In Hong Kong is said to have erupted a "brandy" (France) and "whisky" (UK) sales of war.Results "brandy" sold more than four hundred bottles, "whisky" only sold hundreds of bottles, only a fraction is equivalent to "brandy".After investigation and analysis of the problem is that the Chinese translation "whisky".Even the visa avoid is afraid of, who is willing to buy?

3, semantic subtle: meaning is obscure speech is too abstruse, look not to understand others.Like choose little-used words, meaning is good, but no one understand, again good also does not make sense.

More than 4, sound: to polyphone name, name when there are two or more pronunciation is easier to let a person feel confused about what to do.Of course is not to say that name is absolutely can't use polyphone.But at least make sure others can determine its pronunciation, not read wrong.

5, partial words: brand name is a call for consumer, should consider the words of the popular problems, some people are using a little-used words named, is that can remove the name depends on whether to choose a good word.So, when it comes to name, the first thought is to turn the kangxi dictionary.Little imagine, the actual situation is the opposite is true.

Source of famous company name


In May 1989, the so-called turnround factory director zheng took over the loss of more than one thousand port of ningbo garment factories, garment factories when he stepped into ningbo port, a few green of a fir tree in the courtyard, gave him the infinite hope, the symbol of the vitality of the green, it is his ideal and passion, shanshan, was born at this name, said zheng, shanshan to do the first brand of Chinese clothing!


In 1899, the British unilever, developed a new type of high quality toilet soap, in the early stages of the product into the market, a failure, the reason was that the name, called "MONKEY" brand (MONKEY) has the meaning of the impurity, make public revulsion of psychology, then repeatedly research, with experts using LUX as soap name, because of the simple, easy to read, easy to recognize, easy memory, since then has boosted sales.

ThinkPad laptop

IBM laptop all named after the ThinkPad, means "can think notebook".The origin of the name is associated with small laptop.Ten years ago, IBM developed a laptop computer, how to named let people scratching their heads.In a name in the meeting, the project director with a cover on the throwing the word "Think" the notebook on the table, all eyes are with this little black scratch pad in the air, and then gave birth to the name.


A history of more than one hundred years of accumulation, make Zhang Yuchang gives birth to some mysterious, this also includes "changyu" name itself.Once there is speculation, changyu is someone's name, which only the half.Founder of changyu is Zhang Bi, changyu undoubtedly take a surname, so "margin" word and why?In fact this is a good omen to choose his own the words, in a word is "doing well in abundance".Zhang Bi in nanyang and company and paved area of guangdong are also often take do name "yu" word, such as yu and, already made his, yu chang, rich, etc.And before the "margin" word to zhang, is unique, value has a special meaning.

Steve: what?I apple looks like ass, it will bite again to see see

Steve was ambitious, determined to bring the company into a god leading companies, so the beginning design with an apple logo is Newton, because Newton was the legend of apple fell out of the law of universal gravitation is a household name.Later, Joe master feel too complicated, Newton was deleted, leaving only the apple.But after the designer found that if the apple is, far look like an ass, I'm afraid to be laughed at, so I asked Steve to do it?Steve is thinking this serious problem, while a subconscious bite just take the apple in his hand.It was art quick, stylist immediately got Steve, I didn't understand the meaning of apple's trademark is the bite of the apple now.But according to the Chinese culture is also right, don't be too full, the pursuit of things are bit into the apple is really perfect.


The United States Eastman company founder George Eastman was once said: I like the letter K, it represents a kind of the highlights and tip of things.I use five words to form a word, both before and after use K, arbitrarily selected among other letters, finally the result of the split is a Kodak.He thought, "kodak" letters less, not easy misspelled, has many characteristics, such as anger and personality.There is no doubt that a brand is not just from the a word in the dictionary, you should create something new in it.


Headquartered in Palo Alto, California (Palo Alto) HP company was founded in 1939.Graduated from Stanford university, founder of the two engineers William wheeler William Hewlett and David. David Packard, poke the name origin of hewlett-packard, is two people's last name.


From the children's songs inspired inspiration.Famous hangzhou wahaha enterprise group in our country, have a good marketing strategy, and one of the most important factors, the product have a good name.Company name process

The waveguide

At the beginning, to the enterprise name, founder of the waveguide li-hua xu first think of the BIRD, namely the meaning of "BIRD".Li-hua xu, said they use the name meant hope waveguide machine like birds soar, beyond the international giants such as MOTOROLA, become the pride of the domestic pager.Then, according to the BIRD, to register the enterprise called waveguide.


The biggest characteristic, creative, unique, easy to read, easy to recognize, easy easy, easy to spread, the word itself makes little sense, and: OMO (secret);BENZ (mercedes-benz), etc.

Lei jun: drink this pan millet gruel, let's is a pan.Millet is the food of the Chinese major

According to millet company wei oral, millet company name origin, is also very have story.Millet marketing wei to on millet special training camp is to introduce the origin of the name, millet.Millet was established on April 6, 2011, the place of formation of silver valley stopover in bao fu temple building is in a very small room, the earliest established a team of 14 people, together them up in the morning to drink a bowl of millet gruel, the company is set up, the bowl of millet gruel is Li Wanqiang father at 5 o 'clock in the morning to cook the porridge to company.So far, the 14 people are still in millet, no one to leave.


All the kernel Yang Shoushan, word, was the founder of the quanjude roast duck restaurant.1864, meat, hutong has a grocery store in shanxi people with not bottom go to, yan quanren came via person introduction, laying the foundation of the grocery store plate up, open a fireplace.The grocery shop name call, gather all mean "good the whole, good for money.Yan quanren came to the shop name upside down, the quanjude instead.Full word, implied his name, poly, take "represented by those served at quanjude restaurant, coining money".This is quanjude the origin of the name.

Mr. Li: the dream he found thousands of baidu, just set called baidu

"She found thousands of baidu, that person but in the lights decayed place" - xin qiji evening sapphire case, yuan li said: since I was young, I like the tang poetry, on the perception of Chinese traditional culture is very strong.The idea is that the name of the site to have a meaning in Chinese, want to make Chinese people can understand.Must have the simple pinyin, can search for the meaning of performance, but can't directly call what search, want to have culture inside information.Want to want to go, suddenly from xin qiji of the word, immediately clappers.Because "baidu" two words covers all the things we want to express.


In 1953, the Japanese SONY founder akio morita, going abroad for the first time, was aware of their company's full name "Tokyo communication industry company" on the product is not good-looking, reads like a tongue twister, decided to change my name.Akio morita and well depth (SONY incumbent chairman emeritus) often turn the dictionary to find the name together.One day, they turn to a Latin word Sonus, meaning "voice", sounds very musicality, just with close ties to the company is engaged in the industry, so they started circling in the word.The Latin word related to English, whether it's Sonny or Sunny (Sunny), are optimistic, bright, positive meaning, this is in accordance with their self-image.Fly in the ointment is that Sonny Japanese to read also "lose money", some "jinx things", later, akio morita, a brainwave, get rid of a "n" spell "Sony".

Ma: my name take alibaba not to China, but for the world

Since the name of the reason to see, I knew jack ma founded alibaba first, is the heart around the world, really should be 1 "positioning decision, decision realm", alibaba this name comes from the story is: Ma Yunyou once in an American restaurantHave a mealA whim, and caught the restaurant waiter, asked him "alibaba", do you know? ".The waiter replied "know ah, I also know that alibaba to open the treasure's mantra is" open sesame.Ma and repeatedly asked others around the world after the "strange questions", after testing in this seemingly inconsequential, ma found alibaba's story was known by people around the world, and no matter what language, pronunciation is almost same.So Mr Ma will be identified as the company's name "alibaba".

Company name case analysis

Small make up is to share company name reference case analysis is also hope that friends can come to the people of how the company is a good name of the company.

Case a company name:

Can gram jie technology co., LTD

Name meaning:

Can gram jie:

Can be: (1), you can."Rites" : "may also, respect difficult".(2) may, don't."Tang, Luo Yin, accidentally the topic" : "I'm not famous gentleman not to marry, may is not as good as men".(3) don't care.The flowers set, Xue Zhaoyun, USES of the word ":" glance to see cocoa, but to spare place dark thought ".(4) is.The song dynasty, xin qiji, jiaxun ci ":" 巵 wine to the people, and the dumping of first.The most though cocoa, all things good said."5. But person, make people satisfied with competent people."Ritual, miscellanea" : "guanzhong meet a thief, take two, thought on the male.Yue: 'the swim and monarch, also but person also.'"

G: (1) the meaning of "can", be industrious and frugal, can hard-working can also be thrifty.The book · dayu Hume ":" g and bond, g waste at home."Again, love grams, the book assumed the sign ":" wake jue love, see economy;Love, jue, let alone work."Mean majesty without love (virtue), there was the chance of success;Is love but no majesty, almost will be in vain.After said to weed make convincing person yue g love g.This this.(2).The book hung fan ":" mission just g, good soft g."

Jie: (1) the victory."Poetry, elegant, adopt eu" : "to settle down?On January 3."(2) success.Good news, report the message of victory.The old imperialThe testExceeded otherregions prosperity also calls the good news.(3) sensitive disease, quickly.The initiative, to achieve a goal for action quickly.The qing dynasty · Ye Yafei, auspicious figure, will go to ":" the so-called qin lost deer, worm."

Name orz poem: the poem contains auspicious blessings and predict the future, and other important content.

Sometimes can best letter of contact,

G wake love practice.

Nimble enough to stay first deng yi,

The source of adult merlot.

Three, auspicious mathematical:

"Can g express" a, 24, is the fire of prosperous, numerology was required, auspicious evaluation for "door yuqing, money, rich".Use the name, the cause of your company, will shine into potential, progresses day by day, the weather.

Company name case 2:

Bolian media company

A, analysis from the meaning of media company name

Po: (1) big also."Her experience in the spring and autumn period, DE" : "it is the bo yi's."(2) also."Ritual doctrine:" thick so the slide also."(3) understanding, book."Xun zi, cultivate one's morality", "book yue bo, little smell of yue shallow."(4), rich."The analects of Confucius · ZiHan" : "I, ask me to."(5) informed also."Xun zi · gakumon" : "I tasted Qi and hope yi, who is better than bo also."6 also learned Athens."Chu ci" : "huainan wang burson-marsteller, so old..."7 widely read.The man, wang chong, on balance, super strange ":" the ancient and modern expo for our factory."

Lian: (1) wires, joint.Such as combined branches of a clan, the qing dynasty, Zhang Erqi, artemisia gossip "temples: nearly common xi combined branches of a clan, all people sharing, potential can, benefit to an uncle who were brothers.-- sheng yu tang, heavy old name at that time, and so is attached.(2) dual called "coupon".Such as feeling every two words into one union.(3) bead.With pearl: and the beauty of poetry connect.Lv Wen interference, don's preface: "belongs to the material life, bead overlapping sing."(4) lian yun, slightly bent, with "yun".The selection, the warring states period, chu, song yu, goddess ", "Yang xi lian yun eyebrow to moth, if its Dan lips."

Second, from the mathematical analysis on media company name

A 29 "bolian", for "line well, plain sailing" lucky number of water, is the number of goods in numerology, suggest you career life peace and good fortune, fame and fortune.

Company name case 3:

Intention of the advertising company

A, analysis from the meaning of advertising company name

All: (1) wine.The ancient used as sacrifice ritual vessels.Bronze inscriptions with honour than ziyingdian word combinations.Words don't make bottles, 罇.(2) the noble, noble.As opposed to a low, easy copulative: "Buddha to British Columbia, qiankun empty."(3) respect and esteem.The analects yao yue: to yue: "four evil five beauty, screen, can be in politics."Historical records high-impedance ji: "is detailed bosom Wang Weiyi emperor, not his life.(4) or elders, elders.(5) used to be called emperor is supreme.6. Honorifics: male, brother chun, etc.All landowners quantifiers.Such as the Buddha statue, a statue of hall.Company name process

Voice: melody.Voice and face.The song dynasty, ouyang xiu, phase state day kam tong ji: "as for the event, in the big discussion, gentlemen and giant wat, poised, and measures the world Yu Taishan Ann, a rectification of xinjiang yi."Connections.Sound and breath."Easy, dry, classical Chinese" : "simultaneous corresponding, sympathies."[hydrophobic] : "simultaneous corresponding, if child sheep palace and the palace should, horns and angular motion is also;Sympathies, if day qin rain and development is tied to embellish.The two connections are also.After "is used to refer to the spirit of consistency between friends, such as voice and congenial.Which lead to the message, such as connections.

Second, the advertising company name orz poem:

Form the actuality, the prestige,

Affectionately ielts culvert.

Enjoy it with hin JiaYan xu,

Promises, as good pleasure.

Third, from the mathematical analysis on advertising company name

A number of 29, "intention" to "line at the boat, smooth" lucky number, water is the number of goods in numerology, suggest you career life peace and good fortune, fame and fortune.

Company name case 4:

Gives the letter advertising company

A, analysis from the meaning of advertising company name

Jas: (1) the correct specification.Noble, civilization.Han jia yi ":" the rhetoric of elegant, jas for spring ".The tang dynasty, wang wei, "qing fei any romantic Gao Wenyou elegant".The respect of many people, said such as righteous people advice please yue, please people appreciate yue ya jian and so on.(2) the word, sung people to form, called a word."King YuanHaoWen" : "good guest in a virtual free day, lian song tong do ya".(3), zheng gagaku and banish."Liu xie, carving dragon, body sex" : "but is our, gas and soft, learn with depth, xi, zheng and poetic shuo, tao dyed by setting".(4) and my arms."Don li bai" : "don't have a good singing, how elegant bosom".

Na: (1) introduction, acceptance, such as talents.(2) the collection, to hide in."Poem Bin wind" "built plant nursery in September, October, hetian married".(4) contribution to pay.Book · yu gong "" thyme fu", two hundred Zhi, in three hundred, straw.

Letter: (1) honesty, don't cheat."The analects of Confucius · learning", "and friends and don't believe it?"(2) stretch, stretch."Reach"."Easy, copulative, under" : "the flexor of inchworm, in order to letter also."(3) by letter, stretch it at random, a charm in the song dynasty, lu you, autumn pavilion worship to victor lai and portrait ":" padang poem named state, etc.The startling letter hand carried.(4) building, pleases, coolly samples from the guest, commonly used to describe the guest's poise, him mad.In chairman MAO's poetry: "short stroll.

Second, from the mathematical analysis on advertising company name

"Gives the letter" a number of 31 for "intelligent capabilities and can do" lucky number of wood, in line with the numerology, indicate your life and career peace and good fortune, fame and fortune, and with the wind sail.

Three, advertising company name gives the letter orz poem:

Your kindness system of an ancient name for China,

When fortune RongHui with before.

Letter as per degree of song,

Good pleasure JiaYan to huan.

Company name case 5:

Ding xin hardware company

A, analysis from the meaning of hardware company name

Ding: (1) the da wang Jin Zhu for keeping one of kyushu, so "ding" symbol of the monarch.In the past for the hero of the world, called "won the central plains", so, the monarch, called tripod industry, the emperor's life, called "ding".(2) the tripod, is an ancient among three important minister.(3) hao family name, called "ding".(4) refers to the spring and autumn period and the peak, young.Because of god's glory, to the spring and autumn period and the peak, so will achievement.(5) in force, also refer to is strong.

Xin: (1) more than gold.Song false friends, five to xin, sen, Simon, Simon, named, after much is used as the names and signs, named gold.(2) the meaning of wealth to thrive.(3) the gold in the five elements take resolute and decisive, bold, etc.

Second, from the mathematical analysis on hardware company name

"Ding xin" a number of 37, as "tiger Lin," authority "lucky gold number, just is the number of goods in numerology, suggest you career life peace and good fortune, fame and fortune.

Company name case 6:

DingFeng hebei catering company

A, catering company name meaning:


Ding: (1) the da wang Jin Zhu for keeping one of kyushu, so "ding" symbol of the monarch.In the past for the hero of the world, called "won the central plains", so, the monarch, called tripod industry, the emperor's life, called "ding".(2) the tripod, is an ancient among three important minister.(3) hao family name, called "ding".(4) refers to the spring and autumn period and the peak, young.Because of god's glory, to the spring and autumn period and the peak, so will achievement.(5) in force, also refer to is strong.

Feng: (1) rich harvest of call also.Such as the book of songs and filialness · harvest ", "harvest more valley millet, trillions in coulomb".(2) lush, enrich the call also.Such as "book of songs, lesser" : "cham cham Ruth, at abundant grass".(3)."The I chingFeng hexagrams ":" feng, big also.Have ample food and clothing, the grain and make it plentiful and feats.(4)."Chu ci, qu yuan's li SAO" : "I make hong leong by cloud xi, asks the Mi precious place".Rich moist also.5. Richly."Jin chung, willgrapesFu ", "the spirit of AngCheng sweet liquid dew, increased the rich in feels ashamed springs".Richly wide also.

Second, the catering company name orz poem:

Ding food given JiaYan good pleasure,

Feng yu yuan heng affectionately culvert.

Escape is full in rain,

ShengYou gaopeng and seat.

Third, the catering company name mathematical:

"DingFeng" a number of 31, as a fire day, "auspicious MuLou, perfect for numerology, indicated that peace and good fortune, fame and fortune of longsheng xingda elephant.Best regards!

Company name commonly recommended

Don't know the name of the friend maybe you still didn't find any inspiration, so small make up after seeing the name commonly used to recommend the following company hope you can find a little thought.

Company name a word

Xin, gen, treasure, star, couplet, morning,,,,, red sea,

Flourishing, melting, reputation, interstate, giant, arrogant, for, sincere, good, English, rainbow,

Zhe, camp, shu, start, katyn, hard-wired, dreams, zhou yu, after, phoenix, leaf

Dan,,, jade, flat, with, and appropriate, forest, strange, zheng

And spring, handsome, surplus, acquisitive, quality, division, exhibition, new moon, xuan, yukon,

Europe,,,,,,, peng, teng, macro, wei, jun, think

Ya,,,,,, hin, dimensions, sharp, thin, beautiful, walter, sheng

", yan,, fins, lotus, shimmering, yan, jiaqi, towers, dew, cranes,

Choi, lang lang, love, scene, sails, Yang, gucci, tong, jun, force,

Christine, the more, haze, super, qing, cloud, Simon, industry, righteousness, the meaning, information,

Bo, Yang, rope, and blue, Leon, xing, get together, hon, slightly, the hui,

Arrogance and hall, wan, who, can, qiao, wong, grain, bamboo, much, sails,

Joy, flying, fu, huang, jia, da, hk, us, yuan, bright, name,

Shun, collar, communication, road, profit, and, garden, wave, abundant, and jersey

Finn, jasmine, and Wallace, group, Rio tinto, built, jiang, ray, day,

Gold, new,, sheng, and letter, in China, house, Mr, kay, Thailand,

Easy,,,,,,,,, a month, only, only,

St, zhuo, yu, countries, and green, constant,,,,,,

Into, xiang, lung, east, sen, di, racing, farce, ai, high, German,

Who, flange, wind, xu, superior, kam, Czech, positive, intellectual, and friends

Poetry, aroma, tripod, and wheat, bond, g,,,,,

Hunan, will, qingsong, sprout, and glory, Hector, ning, inscription, qi, yi

Navigation, tianjin, rev., vibration, leaf, following, meet, often, hao, nameplates, jie

Ann, is, sichuan, state, the emperor, yue, mood, Ming, zi, auspicious, escape

Chung, lei, she, he, Xiao, yong, kyrgyzstan, first, jun, and chang,

Day: is the word of success for prosperity

Mu: words of fame and fortune

Bamboo: middle-aged career success

Light: help, a successful career of words

Sail: take "smooth sailing" say, lasting prosperity of the word

Xu: the word of success

Mega: career success, fame and fortune of the word

Zhuang: life traveling but a successful word

Word is: money flourishing

Grain: middle-aged word of success and prosperity

All: RongGui etc.counties, fame and fortune of the word

Peak: use this word name is take a peak, good luck and prosperity of the word

Company name two words

Do giant flying and wide development in the spring of gold into yuan

Deqing tai long with macro macro kang long light rich association

HSBC grandsoo rich Ann qian hong light macro and constant

Auspicious huge surplus thick hair rich profit more big east heng

Hing hong long macro optimal hair huaxin association heng tai macro

After optimal raw hong fu tai countries just this long dry

DE modest rich yao hong wei fly spring embellish phonic

With the macro mau mau hairdressing ShouYi HaoHeng lai hong

With the cell in the spring of optimal new public sheng rong is complex

Lu chang into a good f male Kang Ju qinfeng is smooth

After long ChengXiang wing mau mau shun yu chang meimei

East into a modest association with high east German and Taiwan begat nimble

Company name three words

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GuangChang and DE wei hong light ChengYao treasure HongTai JiJing surplus optimization such as constant ding righteousness and modest profit dry xin fu

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