Home to how many rooms is advisable

Home to how many rooms is advisable

On the traditional fengshui thought, a set of residential room number for curtilage master has a great influence to the health and luck.

According to fengshui way of mathematical thought of Yin and Yang, the good or ill luck of residential room number is: one for, for no barrier between the two, three, four, five, six, seven, for between eight to fierce, for nine.

It is important to note that room number, the original incomplete refers to the bedroom it is often said.Because, according to ancient records, as long as it is a space that doors and walls, can be referred to as "housing", so, the modern living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, study, utility room, even the locker room, etc., can be regarded as a room, room number can be summarized in the whole house.

Actually, geomantic learn about residential room number on the judgment of the good or ill luck with the idea of modern architecture, reason is interlinked.Modern families are mostly made up of the couple and one child a family of three, thus, room number between three and four are less obvious.So a set of housing to want how many rooms is appropriate?

General room configuration number four space should include the following:

1. Sleeping space, including the main bedroom, children room, the elders living together, but for a bedroom by the elders, or old person room.

2. The meals of space: including the kitchen and restaurant.

3. Every family should be accompanied by corresponding toilet.

4. Other USES space: including living room, study, sitting room, porch, guest room, balcony, utility room, garage, etc., and even large residential area, also can also set the gym, music room, drawing room, etc., entertainers or stars also have other design clothes room, etc.

If the above four kinds of space, residential area is quite large, the ideal is, of course, separate, but the current live up the large area of the house of people, after all, is limited.

To ordinary people's homes, when space is limited, can't have too much room configuration, combined use of several kinds of space can be considered.Can be combination such as dining-room, sitting room and living room, but the couple in the master bedroom, children room, elders room and a study must be separate compartments.Therefore, a set of housing only three or four rooms are difficult to meet modern life, entertainment, rest and so on various aspects demand.

If the room number of the residence happened to fall in the symbol of the "evil" with the number of three, four, eight, don't need to worry, the solution is simple, just use your head, a room can add more or less.Even adding in a closet or in the corner of the hovel.In this way, can the so-called "house company" into the home of auspicious photograph, let it bring you and your family a healthy body and harmonious family.

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