Home decorating feng shui

First, the house does not see the light.

So-called light house, is refers to no matter how good the sun during the day, can according to the room sunshine always is few, like this situation leads to the Yin qi, Yin qi increase directly is the result of a bad temper, easy to conflict between husband and wife, another is the worst.

Second, the right high left low house

Feng shui, left tsing lung, right white tiger.If you have very high living room on the right side of the house, then your health will be careful, like in a house, first, the bad goods, second, adverse to health.If live in this house before your luck, then move in after your luck will be worse.Like this house is must resolve early, otherwise very unfavorable.

Third, in the toilet or kitchen door

There is an old saying said of good, water goods do not leave.As to the toilet or kitchen door is formed the pattern of "water" direct "water", is the bad goods.The center should not be polluted.This is near the center of the building should not be usedThe toilet, at the same time, the toilet also shoulds not be located at the center of the back part of the house, coincided with the door into a straight line, as this is likely to lead to financial ruin loss.

Toilet "four appropriate" : 1. The appropriate pressure in fierce square, avoid pressure in kyrgyzstan.2. Bath lavatory appropriate concealments.3. Bath lavatory appropriate kept clean.4. Bath lavatory appropriate keep the air circulation.

Toilet should not be "four" : 1. The toilet should not be open in the south.2. The toilet should not be open in the middle of the house.3. The toilet is unfavorable open in southwest or the north.4. Bath lavatory is unfavorable to the bedroom.

Fourth, door to door or kitchen

If the balcony is opposite gate or kitchen, makes the home reunions function abate, husband affair, the wife will commitThe childFrom the home.Can be for a long time to draw the curtain as a block.In and out of the gate location is on the balcony, which formed the so-called "wear heart", will not easily accumulate in the home, there has encompassed.Tong tong, after before the goods.Solution: make porch ark barrier gate, placed at the entrance of the gate between the balcony and the tank (hit avoid water person cannot put aquarium, can replace the screen).

The layout of the kitchen

Kitchen stoves to sit down to kyrgyzstan to feng shui principles.If located in kyrgyzstan, the home population health, harmonious relationship.Instead, Zhui have a happy marriage, often quarrel or sick.

Secondly, the decoration of the inside the kitchen, such as kitchen, washing the dishes POTS, dishes and box to put the correct position.Stoves most avoid is tap water to rush shoot, easily with diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.If basin of wash dishes and cooking in a straight line, are incompatible, will affect the relationship and health.If the cooker put the position and the water tap into square type (L), can avoid fire and water to rush shoot, also accord with feng shui.

Avoid is in the kitchen washing clothes, washing machine is in the kitchen, the kitchen is regarded as the result of the kitchen god, is very sacred, washing dirty clothes, in effect of luck.

Another point, if the room has a layered, dining room is located in the high position, as far as possible the table had better be in the position of the gas is flourishing, the family members are all well

1, not the door to the main kitchen stoveA womanBody, gastrointestinal problems, no moss, a headache.

2, the kitchen stove body inside the freezer - family, one's kin often take medicine.

3, the kitchen stove - the primary to the bedroom door to estrangement, temper, easy to nervousness.

4, kitchen appliances not placed most of the lumbar acid - Lord live north, headaches, stomach pain.

5, balcony walkway to the stove, the main no moss, back pain, high blood pressure

The layout of the bedroom

1, bedroom door cannot mirror - the main couple estrangement, mental breakdown.

2, the bedroom door to the head of a bed, menstrual cramps, headache.

3 room, the head of a bed not to mirror - great Lord, nightmare, neuralgia.

4, dresser mirror of the bathroom door -- lead full, easy to lose his temper.

5, the bathroom door to bed -- the primary gout, rheumatism, headache.

6, the head of a bed is unreliable in the bathroom wall - the main low back pain, rheumatic pain.

7, the head of a bed not be beam pressure - the main depressed, nervous.

8, bedroom mirror by too much - Lord got distracted, paranoia.

Five of the head of a bed avoid: 1. Is unfavorable to the west, the west is dangerous.2. Should not be capping beams, there is oppression of trillion.3. Shoulds not be too close to the window, wind chill easily frightened.4. Is unfavorable for the mirror reflective inauspicious.5. Should not be on the door, sun be the spirit is easy to leak.# # p# page title e#

Sleep upside direction must be right, because it has to do with health and wealth, health, the head of a bed is toward the day medical bearing, if you seek, is facing the most popular, also is the orientation of the angry.

Lamp act the role ofing is best don't directly in position at the top of the people.In bedroom, lamp had better not put in directly in the position of the bed.Lights will produce energy, have an impact on sentiment, if the rooms are too small, suggest is to put the lights in the room side, so that not influence the lighting, to live or not.

The study is decorated

Businessman for money, his desk, be about to the prosperous, scholars or students, in a more appropriate.

1, bookcase too high pressure - the main weak bed

2 do not oppress desk, bookcase, main distracted, come dizziness.

3, desk - Lord distracted under pressure in the beam.

4, study the light is too strong, the main fatigue.

5, study appliances have a headache, not too much, the Lord was not designed.

6, study metope before any idol, insanity, nightmare, great Lord.

Bridal chamber taboo

Mostly pay attention to the person of couples romantic emotional appeal, pay special attention to the bedroom to decorate, if you don't understand feng shui principles, and own preferences, often backfire, paying to sin, because of this, now offers some of the bedroom decorate geomancy taboo, for your reference:

1. The sheets sheets have big meeting a girl, if you have longfeng, appropriate to meet, otherwise you will feel oppressed.

2. If there is a lane, road salt and is bad.

3 bedroom in the best light bright, the air circulation is preferred (such as the light was too dim, the appropriate light during the day);Clear light can make people happy mood, air convection, will let the body health.

4. Never painted pink color inside the bedroom, can make the neurasthenia, and couples quarrel more, so make a tragedy is not in the minority.

5. The bedroom color cream all ten color (don't knurling paint).

6. The bedroom Windows do not hang wind chimes, easy to make the lady dizziness is dizzy, impetuous (cake pattern is not auspicious, round bed not auspicious, ceiling circular ji).

7. The bedroom space should be light color (too deep as hell).

8. Land bedroom had better not be spread carpet, easy to damp raw kegare, tracheal injury, especially long felt worse.

9. The bedroom toilet cannot punch (punch - headaches, blunt shoulder neck pain, waist - sciatic nerve, kidney, acid washed feet - foot, is blunt - stomach illness.

10. Under the cross wall of bedroom not across the room (upstairs to build more subject to this phenomenon, can make the heart uncomfortable).

All the doors should be left open

So-called left tsing lung right white tiger, tsing lung in the left should be moved, the tiger on the right should be quiet, so all of the door should be left open for, that is to say, people from the inside to the outside, the door should be located in the left.Open the door if there are inverted, easily lead to family strife,

Gate is not for the elevator

Door straight to the window, the back door or the toilet, is to rush shoot adverse finances, residents prone to disease.Can make the financial investment mistakes, make the person money into goods out, damage family finances.

The sitting room should be located in the most in front of the house

After entering the gate first should see the sitting room, and bedroom, kitchen and other space should be located in behind the house.Space using the configuration, the sitting room is set in the rear, will cause the return money, easy to make money going downhill.

Homes will flourish in gates diagonally diagonally, so should not be hanging mirror, because the mirror reflection effect, easy to hinder the family's fortunes;Make money is nothing, opportunity loss.Wenger should be placed can encourage luck mascots, best method is to grow wide leaf green plants with vitality.

Promote the popularity of the sitting room opened

The sitting room of the sitting room shoulds not be dark, bright can bring home luck, so a sitting room wall is unfavorable choose too dark tone.

Living room floor should not be rugged, shipped home will rain for the ups and downs of the floor.

If the sitting room is a beam across, to decorate the cover

The ceiling if a beam of the sitting room, will form the feeling of oppression, people sitting under the beam is easy to cause mental stress, and luck.Should cover in the ceiling of sandwich beams as soon as possible.

The sitting room should use circular modelling more decoration

The sitting room is the place that family and friends together, the need to create a lively and harmonious atmosphere.Circle to Yang, is the symbol of the dynamic, so round, smallpox modelling of lamp act the role ofing, which leads the warm and lively atmosphere and decorations.

Dragon of the sitting room shoulds not be disorderly to hang picture # # e# p# page title

Sitting room, such as hanging, flowers, plants, landscape or fish, birds, horses, crane, phoenix auspicious animals, usually less taboo.But if you like hanging the beast of prey such as dragon, tiger, eagle, you need to pay special attention to painting in the beast's head, to form a pattern of defense, and never the head of the beast will threaten their inward, otherwise easy to bring unexpected calamity for the family.

The sitting room shoulds not be stuffed with antiques, debris or decoration

If the sitting room filled with antiques, sundry and decorations, easy to accumulate dust, impact air flow, can certainly make people blood and health decline.

Housing is not suitable for hanging pictures

One, the color is too dark or black pictures do not buy too much.These paintings look very has the feeling of heavy, depression, pessimism and lack of momentum.

Second, draw the picture of the ferocious beast is unfavorable to buy, or family health will be worse.

Three, should not be hung over a character abstract painting, because can make family emotion repeatedly is great, psychological imbalance, nervous easily.

Four, drew the sunset west paintings don't hang, such like passion has a reduced effect.

Five, not suitable for hanging head portrait of deceased loved ones, because it will make you ACTS as double pressure.

Six, inappropriate waterfall, such as pictures, because these paintings family luck again and again.

Seven, don't hang up the red picture too much, because it can make family easily injured or grumpy.

Instead, hang auspicious decorations can add beaming and bring money, fu lu shou samsung, nine fish (such as) figure, peony, peacock and other auspicious decorations or picture, suitable for every family.

A lot of feng shui, exquisite interior decoration, such as adornment, if indoor light is dark, can hang a sunflower, take its virility.It is advisable to hang a picture to aboveboard content, avoid abrupt;Such as vultures, boulder.Cat also hanging straight in indoor, make the scourge, stolen;Piggy bank can be lucky, for example, it is better to put a lucky pig and plutus cat.Such as hang a landscape painting, and to view its flow pattern, flow within the appropriate unfavorable, because mountain tube pipe certificates.If have a ship, the bow to the interior, take its fortune into the room, to celebrate the meaning of;And hanging wall clock in the hall is very good, with the pendulum is better.No person, because indoor air is still, pendulum clock activity union.The front of the clock can not inward, should be toward the door or the direction of the balcony as well.And a goldfish bowl, the goldfish called feng shui fish, not on the hearth, due to the oil and water phase grams.Green plants is necessary, because can make indoor living plants more dynamic;The color appropriate of the ceiling light shoulds not be heavy, because light gas to a day, polluted air sinks for land.The ceiling appropriate USES light color, conform to the righteousness of day light to heavy.

In the sitting room is hung with calligraphy and painting to be in line with their own status, in accordance with the then composed of different profession and different calligraphy and painting.For example: the business community to hang the duke guan portrait or figure, taoyuan three sworn friendship and credit.

The sitting room is not suitable for any hang a mirror, because on the feng shui is so fierce.But if the door of the sitting room just hedge in other people's corner or the wall, hang noodles mirror makes screen can dissolve the ominous rush evil spirit.

The ancients said: "the home of the ill yuqing will, of course, if you really don't have much time or Mao to deal with indoor feng shui always words might as well do more good deeds, to man is always good to have.

Money of the sitting room: the living room for the whole family gathered and reception venues, belong to the family of public space, the focus of family life, therefore, the feng shui for the whole family.Have a special position in the sitting room, the relationship between the family finances, career, fame, etc. The rise and fall, the bearing commonly known as "money".Wealth can't move, so the money in the party, usually at the diagonal azimuth that take the door.

1, money, if have the window, can be used in nail splint wall processing, money will not be leakage.

2, came in at the gate, or most avoid is seen in the sitting room of furnace of the kitchen, if your home will see, just can change the position of furnace or outside the kitchen door do a screen of tall ark to block.

3, the sitting room had better avoid to see all the room doors, in addition to privacy is poorer, also can give a person a kind of portal open feeling, let a person have stormed Huang Longzhi meaning.

4, porch is the door should also avoid through the back door, like a money out of the front into the back door, not for gain, aisle has straight to or should avoid horizontal, straight through the whole room.

5, in the sitting room is on the toilet walls can't beside the door of the kitchen, toilet and.

6, table cannot is opposite gate, if really can't avoid, can use screen.What is the taboo in the study?The study can't facing the window, as it will produce bad effect "and".# # p# page title e#

7, desk cannot is opposite gate.

Plant appropriate chooses the broad leaf plants in the home, avoid choose cactus kind of nozzle blade, breath easily dispute.The plant in the home also to choose.Don't kind of long and thin blade plant, such host provoke your breath easily dispute.Ferns and kudzu vine plants also had better not to kind of class, this kind of plant is Yin, if long lush, dread the "dirty" things in the home.

Buy suits own floor

People born in the year of the (a) the spring wood too, fire and metal.Appropriate chooses to live for the southern district, southwest area.Housing should sit north to south direction or sits northeast to southwest.

(2) people born in the summer of fire too, rakem water.Appropriate chooses in northwest, north district.Housing direction should sit southeast to northwest and south to north.

(3) people born in the autumn gold too, the fire.Appropriate chooses to live for the southern district.Housing should sit north to south direction.

(4) people born in the winter water too, the wood fire.Appropriate chooses to live the southeast area, southern district.Housing direction appropriate sits northwest to southeast and sit north to south.

The front of the house is called "QianZhuQiao", also known as "hall".A lot of feng shui master will be out of the window as the hall.We most of the open window in the house of one party to.Out of the window of one of the following circumstances is hall of geely.

A, see outside the window pool, swimming pool;

Second, the window to see the park, stadium;

Three, out of the window to see a parking lot, surrounded by road;

Four, out of the window to see lake, river, etc.;

Five, out of the window to the sea.

Window to see water, water for the hall, can make money to strengthen, people live this kind of building of business, and business become more robust.

If the window open not water, it is for a broad hall, good fortune, though less see water, but also has been very stable

Regardless of room for people not to live, the room doors and Windows should be normally open normally closed, the momentum flow, air updates, do "a rolling stone gathers no moss, on".In addition, the gate door is too big, lest discharge type.

Some of the feng shui problems should be considered when choosing housing

The street against the bow is unfavorable.Street "bow", refers to the housing the street in front of the bend, and bending straight at the door, the fengshui is called "sickle to the waist," this house, unfavorable choose and buy of sharks.

Avoid day to cut down."Day to cut down" refers to the a narrow gap between two tall buildings;As if from the air with a knife to cut in half, therefore is called the day to cut down.If the house facing day to cut down, there are likely to be mass annihilation: space narrow and more fierce, distance more close more risk!So unfavorable choose face day to cut down houses to live, but if there are the other buildings in behind it, might as well fill the gap.

Avoid arrow evil spirit."Evil spirit" is refers to the residential door see sharp corner to rush shoot, sharp corner like a shot, commonly known as "evil spirit".Make the "evil spirit" housing wealth cannot accumulate, and lead to financial ruin, more related to the following questions: because of health problems and financial ruin;Waste to be deceived by others.From evil spirit. "earth," the hand: in the threshold sovereigns and money, this is evil spirit method;In the bar to hang a convex mirror, this day is the evil spirit;Hang a TAB in the hall position with the beast mouth the TAB number one, that is humanization method.

A) appropriate soft wind

The ideal living environment should be a soft breeze slowly blowing.The cool breeze, to conform to the way of feng shui.If find housing near windy, very urgent, it is unfavorable choose and buy, because even if the home really have prosperous gas condensation, high wind driveth away.Geomantic learn the most importance to "hide the wind gas", but the wind strong place will not be prosperous!It is important to note that the wind is too large is bad, but if the wind too slowly, little air circulation, also is not good!

(2) sunny

YangZhai feng shui most pays attention to the air, so choose houses, not only should the air cleaner, but also sunny.And if the house enough sunlight, Yin qi is overweight, tend to lead to messuage restless, uninhabitable.

(3) the ground should be flat

If housing after slope, so it cannot be too careful when the choose and buy, because from the Angle of feng shui, relatively stable flat house, while slope more dangerous!

Such as house door is on a very steep slope, it is elected as a residence, because not only house leak, discrete, but also his family back.

In general, on the slopes of house is easy to leak, and down the slope house vulnerability.House is located in the jerk and under the bottom of the slope, because ShaQi too hurry too, often lead to population casualties.# # p# page title e#

(4) before the official temple after is unfavorable

Government government (especially the police and army), in front of and behind the monasteries and temples are uninhabitable.Because the government murderous look heavy, if the live across the it, will bear the brunt, afford will have population casualties;templeIs Yin qi condenses, live too close is not appropriate.

(5) the selection of floor

A building's external environment, yamagata road ji, its residents are usually in theory.But because there are other problem with the layers of the five elements and the magnetic field the impact of information on the human body, in the same building within the same building, the various floors of the building, the residents there will be gap between the rich and the poor.So how to choose the floor?

First of all, we must to know Chinese era, jia, c, e son, boxer, RenZi years, the year of the zodiac isBelong to the rat, belong to the water in five aspects.

YiChou, Ding Chounian, ugly, national, decyl ugly years, the year of the zodiac isBelong to cow, in terms of the five elements belongs to the earth.

JiaYin, BingYin years, WuYinNian, GengYinNian, nonyl Yin in the year of the zodiac isA tiger, in terms of the five elements belongs to wood.

YiMao, Ding Mao years, has bases, XinMao years, decyl every year, the year of the zodiac isThe rabbit, in terms of the five elements belongs to wood.

Let-out years and third years, wu-cheng, GengChenNian and nonyl years, the year of the zodiac isBelong to the dragon, in terms of the five elements belongs to the earth.

B the third year, the third year, is the third year, the third year, the third year, the year of the zodiac isA snake, in terms of the five elements belong to the fire.

Sino-japanese noon, c, e in noon, GengWu, horse, the year of the zodiac isBelong to the horse, in terms of the five elements belong to the fire.

B not, not, is not years, now, not years, the year of the zodiac isBelong to the sheep, in terms of the five elements belongs to the earth.

JiaShen, BingShen years, e ", GengShenNian, RenShen years, the year of the zodiac isA monkey,, in terms of the five elements belongs to gold.

YiYou, Ding You years, has been unitary, XinYou years, decyl unitary year, the year of the zodiac isroosterGold, born in five aspects.

JiaQu year, third year, the reform movement, age year of, I the year, the year of the zodiac isBelong to the dog, in terms of the five elements belongs to the earth.

B hai, Ding Hainian, hai, xinhai, decyl hai, the year of the zodiac isIs a pig, belong to the water in five aspects.

Secondly we must also learn the relationship between floor and the five elements

On the first floor and 6th floor belong to the north, belongs to the water.So the building of the first layer and water layer is 6, the tail is a level, or six is also belongs to the water, such as 10, 20, 30 on the first floor on the ground floor on the ground floor and so on.

On the second floor and the seventh floor belong to the south, is a fire.So the building of the second and on the seventh floor belong to the fire, the mantissa is two or seven levels, also belong to the fire, such as 10, 20, 30 second floor on the second floor on the second floor, and so on.

On the third floor and eighth floor belong to the east, belongs to the wood.So the third floor of the building and the 8th floor belongs to the wood, the mantissa is three or eight level, is also belongs to the wood, such as the thirteenth floor, 23, 33 floor and so on.

On the fourth floor and the ninth floor belong to the west, belongs to the gold.Therefore, building the fourth and ninth layer of gold, the mantissa is four or nine levels, also belong to gold, such as the fourteenth floor, 24, 34, floor, etc.

The fifth floor and tenth floor belong to the central, belongs to the earth.So the fifth floor of the building and the tenth layer soil, the mantissa is five or ten level, is also belongs to the earth, such as the fifteenth floor, 25, 35 floor and so on.

Floor choice

Five lines of each element is not exist independently, but depend on each other, restrict each other.This is based on the five elements, the combination of order is: fire generates, native gold, gold water and aquatic wood, wood for the fire.

The order of the phase grams is fire, gold, metal restricting wood, wood, earth, earth, water, water, fire.Should be paid attention to when choosing floor: building of five lines, hit five lines of living people, have a phase and help for the role.On the contrary, there are mismatched, as inauspicious.If the layer number of buildings five lines of the Lord, to the Lord and his theory.Grams of the Lord, do not auspicious.And the Lord layer, the five elements five lines of g medium theory.

Taboo 1 with people across the door to door

Feng shui shortcomings

Small family house for indoor space is little, like lung capacity is small, so when their door and across the door of the gate is a straight line, close to the ground across the hall door, one thousand households across the indoor area of space is greater than their the household (large lung capacity), represents the door opposite the aura of this distance space, will be opposite the door.

Fortunes affect

His bedroom area all have been small and is not conducive to feng shui, door aura is suck, gloom.People who live in this house, it is not easy to have a good interpersonal relationship, noble harder to appear, not to mention foreign business promotion work, career, but also difficult.Come to think of it, the aura of being taken, on behalf of chance in life often vulnerable to competition from others.# # p# page title e#

Find a house the trick

Such a structure is the current pattern, apartment or building usually ninety-nine percent.So don't want to find the door opposite house, is not easy, I'm afraid.However, the world is difficult if you put your heart into it, even if the lock school or near the business district, or to run a few areas, sometimes specially planned economy applicable room, rather than commercial residential area more chance to find the door to door of the house.

Temporary solution

If door to door, two doors spacing widened as far as possible if you can't find the door is not opposite of small family homes, at least for the space between the two families gate is wide, or two individual door distance away.Once the space distance, even opposite the door of the space is large (large lung capacity), make the door to door between the two families between aura, small are easy to be large, but not completely sucked out, his this at least can also pick up some family ate.Thus, on the interpersonal relationship, how much can be left a favorable development space;The opportunity to get unexpected help will not completely cut off;Work of foreign business development and drive.Even if again difficult situation, also can survive a space and opportunities from the margins of society.

Taboo 2 toilet inside the door in the hall of feng shui shortcomings

The toilet inside the door inside the hall, and a common pattern of small family homes.Area within the hall is the door of the space, also is the location of the porch, in the house of income and wealth to feng shui, on behalf of the energy into wealth.It happened that the toilet is where we urine excretion, the manufacture of the noxious gas, holds the failure back, bad things, had been framed, less.

Fortunes affect

When caught in a "toilet" "inside hall", in the wealth of the area was occupied by the noxious gas of the toilet, or bathroom door is open, direct conflict to income, people living in it, money, money must be a mess, bad failure back to the end.Lack of money, can't make money is unimportant, more likely because luck too failure, often encounter bad things, or being framed, less, eventually eliminate evil to financial ruin.

Find a house the trick

If the choose and buy or lease a house, it is only natural that the emphasis on the priority, don't choose the toilet and similar inside the hall of a house, to avoid an enter a door to see the pattern of the toilet.If it is period room, also pay attention to design, careful to avoid the taboo.The pattern of the one thousand period room is so, would rather spend a little money, also want to advance requires property developers to modify drawings, slightly adjusted, in order to meet the requirements of good feng shui.

Temporary solution

If the toilet is located in the inner hall, between the door and toilet area should do every small family housing, especially a bedroom, the easiest way to design into the toilet is located in the pattern of the gate entrance.This design was simply trying to make full use of space, let the small family pattern more effective use of as much as possible;Or is for the internal space outspread vision, but the toilet design position within the door in the hall.Such space design are most likely to affect the external relationships, and even lead to fortune.The best way to improve ventilation and dehumidification system is restroom must do, lest noxious gas leaked, fortunes of residents are becoming more and more recession.

Taboo within 3 kitchen is located in the door in the hall of feng shui shortcomings

Kitchen located within the door in the hall, and general situation of small family homes, the cause was probably due to limited space, property developers to build the width of the other space, only will make the planning area of the kitchen.Kitchen in the house the coffers of feng shui, however, if the area occupied by the kitchen, or the kitchen door was opening in this position, means that experienced an enter a door to through the sitting room, dining-room, room, directly into the coffers.

Fortunes affect

Don't think its revenue by straight into the coffers, on behalf of the financial resources into, this is only half right.The reason is the kitchen or the kitchen door (hall) in this area.Inside the hall supports-and, fortune space is certainly have forced, because is easy to earn money and is eager to make money, and the toes.Once. If there is no chance that take the door through a space such as sitting room, dining-room, room, create a good flow of indoor aura, the people living in the house while you make money, also be not much;Even if efforts to retain the money, I'm afraid I also mean save money by himself and his family.That is to say, only when a severe shortchanging yourself, your family's poor scrooge.

Find a house the trick

Don't choose the kitchen located within the door inside the hall of small family homes.Likewise, the pattern of period room one thousand, would rather spend a little money, also want to advance request property developers to modify drawings, slightly adjusted, in order to meet the requirements of good feng shui

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