Rural house feng shui

Rural house feng shui

A, one-storey houses do not built on the ridge or valley entrances and exits, otherwise not only cannot obtain geographical blessings and live a person also was susceptible to a variety of diseases, adverse to the people,

Second, bungalow house never built on t-shaped road junction, is the vertical line of the vertical, the part of the point, which is in front of the house shall have no straight at the lane and road, or evil, such as wind,fireFor such homes have special care, if something might be tragedy, such as gas car driver or no straight at home drunk from the other side of the road, it room if people forget, good lead to disability, loss and officer of the business.

Three, one-storey houses don't build in the lowest parts of the dead end, such a building will recruit to natural disaster and man-made disaster, will also bring officer and poorer and disability, etc.

The four corners of the four, one-storey houses have roads, but does not include the residential facing the quartet, its benefits, there are two,

1, insurable family's personal, private life is not affected by the heavens and the earth is home outside interference.Because the two sides of the residence, most of the few doors or Windows open set, people should pay attention to the road vehicle noise, not easy to abuse talents well.

2, can effectively use note curtilage interior Spaces, because in addition to the west direction the road direction, north and south, east courtyard or interior room can be a lot of effective use.

Five, is opposite gate has absolutely not the tree, because the tree in front of the door not only block sun be the spirit into the room, also can make the room Yin qi, and you won't come from the real life, too, with family members and the inconvenienceIt rainsThunder will recruit the risk of lightning, like autumn leaves, easy to fall into indoor cannot keep clean, please.

Six, absolutely not in front of the dead, even if is not a big tree or erect or lying on the ground, is to hurt the old man's in feng shui, and cut and guide the power of the rich, the best roots.

Seven, northwest of the residence have trees belong to, on the trees to protect the residents, can bring the whole family happiness, if I do not know that the tree cut down, there may be a JueZiJueSun disaster, friends must pay attention to

Eight, in the house in the village had better not higher than the surrounding buildings, and the money would be in jeopardy, in reality, the house also has a lot of dangerous, such as fire, storm, etc have borne the brunt of the air did not block the sunlight conditions, Yang excessiveness Yin, Yin and Yang to be not moved, etc will affect the family's health.

Nine, children's house never built in parents house yard, the eldest son.Two such as built in the courts of the parents will decline together.

Ten, homeA pregnant womanAbsolutely not building housing, is small in the work of also want to avoid, even if in tile also not line, this is the big fear, it is the most direct impact of abortion of pregnant women,

Eleven, residence base, the former is low and high, before the high and low is not auspicious.

Twelve, residence base to the northwest of poor, not damage expensive gas, but there is lack of son, on health is harmful to the father, was susceptible to respiratory system disease.

There are lack of southeastern 13, residence base, bad for children, but don't damage your gas.

Southwest is insufficient, 14, residence base on health may be bad for mother of the gastrointestinal tract, but in social status, positions, pay on advantageous instead.

15, residence base northeast lack is no big deal, but may also affect the digestive system, it is not easy to open the door, such as open to Mr Feng shui view, please.

16, residential bases or narrow houses left narrow right and left wide wide right is bad, son not solitary is depleted.

17, residence base, or the shape of the building after former wide curtilage, take on the shape of inverted ladder, living master of the house, money, thinly populated.

After 18, residence base, or before the house into a narrow width was positively the shape of a ladder, living master of the house not only blessing and expensive, also will be vigorous in society.

19, residence base, or house into a triangle, if after the fore wide called tian pen, lived can people gain the two, especially easy to causeA womanBring disaster.Or women themselves.After peak before KuanZhe called Mars trailing, big fierce this house.After the family may have committed suicide and suffering from a terminal illness.

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