To buy a house geomantic avoid 16

To buy a house geomantic avoid 16

City people talk about what is the most popular topics?Must have a house.House price rises every day, but still have to go to buy a

Before you buy a house to make sure you look at the geomantic avoid 16 that buy a house, or one thousand unfortunately bought a haunted house, but is not in for

Worked so hard to get out of a lot of blood money.

A, is of hutong street, road not to buy (rushing for the arrow, Lord cuts).

2, high party nearby tall buildings do not buy (stop the sun be the spirit of Yin - Yang failure).

Three, near the temple, columbarium, cemetery, temples, tombs of not buy (Yin qi sheng).

Four, "U" word building not to buy (U/f shape such as wu)

Five, the two rows of east-west building lateral connection and the attachment point and not in the same line with part of its unit not to buy it.

Six, don't buy the "mouth" glyph floor (people in well, can't send your fat).

Seven, "T" type floor not to buy it (can't hide the wind to get together gas, the poor).

Eight, "workers" glyph don't buy the floor (the floor is out of riches and honour, the main poverty).

Nine, building space close if a line is not to buy (such as a line, not wealth portal).

Ten, the sitting room is close not to buy (sitting room close no mo).

11, less population not to buy too big house (room adults called curtilage, less people, also called "virtual", who unlucky).

Twelve, room pay not to buy a pair of (house book cloud: "three ji, four little, five have a empty").

13, lack of southwest, northwest not buy (bad) for their family.

14, has a son and due eastThe toiletDon't buy (will affect the physical and mental health and the future of the son).

15, transparent partition no moss.

16, homeownersThe rabbitDon't buy the east door (the east door of the western, and rabbit rushed).

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